
terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

Xadrez - Mate em 2! (muito difícil)

Henry William Barry, La Stratégie, 1901.
Código FEN: 6B1/1p2b1p1/1Bk1N2R/8/pnN2p2/8/b1P4K/3Q4 w - - 0 1.

Outro problema "impossível": as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!

(Another "impossible" problem: White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)


48 comentários:

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  3. Saltamontes Rojo,

    1. Nc7+ gxh6, and there is no checkmate in 2...

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  6. Благой Крайчев,

    1. Bf7 Bxc4, and there is no checkmate in 2...

  7. That's true, sorry but
    1.Nc5 Kb5
    1.... gh6

  8. Благой Крайчев,

    1. Nc5+ Bd6 2. Rxd6+ Kb5 3. Na3#

    But this is mate in 3. There's something better. :)

  9. 1.Qg4
    if 1...Kd7 2. Nxg7#
    if 1...Kb5 2. Nc7#
    if 1...Kd5 2. Qf3#
    if 1...gxh6 2. Nd4#
    if 1...Nd5 2. Nd4#
    if 1...Nxc2 2. Nc7#
    if 1...Bxc4 2. Nd4#
    if 1...Bd6/c5 2. Nd4#

  10. Donex7 seems to be right about everything except:

    if 1. ... Nxc2
    2. Nd4#

    Any non-king move results in immediate mate by Nd4 due to the discovered double check, combined with the knight attacking b5 and revealing the queen's attack on d7, the king's only remaining escape squares.

    Nc7 results in checkmate, but only after some interposing block of the rook check (taking with the pawn or blocking with the pawn or bishop), then Bd5 gives mate in three.

  11. Sorry, i was mistaken.. its checkmate in 1!! 1. Nc7#

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  17. Knight c7+

    if Pawn h6 or g6 then Knight e5#
    if Bishop f6 or d6 then Queen d6#

    What do You think? :)

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  19. Thank you all for the comments!

    The correct move is Qg4!! No matter what Black responds, there is checkmate immediately:

    1. Qg4!! gxh6 2. Nd4#
    1. Qg4!! g6 2. Nd4#
    1. Qg4!! Bc5 2. Nd4#
    1. Qg4!! Bd6 2. Nd4#
    1. Qg4!! Bxc4 2. Nd4#
    1. Qg4!! Kd7 2. Nxg7#
    1. Qg4!! Kb5 2. Nc7#
    1. Qg4!! Kd5 2. Ng5#
    1. Qg4!! Nd5 2. Nd4#
    1. Qg4!! Nxc2 2. Nd4#


  20. What's wrong with the other suggested moves?

    1. Nc7+ ...
    ... gxh6, and there is no checkmate in 2 moves...

    1. Bf7 ...
    ... Bxc4, and there is no checkmate in 2 moves...

    1. Nc5+ ...
    ... Bd6 2. Rxd6+ Kb5 3. Na3#, it's only mate in 3.

    1. Na5+ ...
    ... Kxb6, and there is no checkmate in 2 moves...

  21. @PCFilho
    After Nc7+ there is a mate-in-2 with following Ne5# or Qd6# (depending on black's response), am I right? :)

  22. Dennis,

    The continuation after Nc7+ leads to checkmate, but only after 4 moves:
    1. Nc7+ gxh6
    2. Bd5+ Kd7
    3. Be6+ Kc6
    4. Qd7#

    The only move which leads to a forced MATE IN 2 is 1. Qg4!!.

  23. Of course, what a fool I am - after Ne5+ the bishop on b6 is not guarded anymore... :|

  24. Mate is not forced in 2 after 1.Qg4 if 1. Qg4 Kd7 2. Nxg7 Kd8.

  25. Mate in 2 is not forced after Qg4 if: 1. Qg4 Kd7 2. Nxg7 K8.

  26. Phase V Technologies,

    1. Qg4 Kd7 2. Nxg7#

    The Black King can't go to d8, because the White Bishop is attacking this square...

  27. darpit shah,

    As I've already written above, Nc7+ leads to checkmate, but only after 4 moves:
    1. Nc7+ gxh6
    2. Bd5+ Kd7
    3. Be6+ Kc6
    4. Qd7#

    The only move which leads to a forced MATE IN 2 is 1. Qg4!!.

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  29. Ahhhhhh maior moleza pow eu vi em 30 segundos! Chama no zap quem quiser jogar 21990667402


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