
sábado, 20 de julho de 2013

Xadrez - Mate em 3! (Barry Jack da Costa Andrade)

Barry Jack da Costa Andrade, The British Chess Magazine, 1932.
Código FEN: B2bNB2/5r2/2r3N1/3k4/3p4/3P1n1n/2pQR3/2K5 w - - 0 1.

Um problema muito difícil: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!

(A very hard problem: White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)


14 comentários:

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  4. The first move that came to my mind was 1. Nf6+, which sounds promising, but can only force checkmate after 4 moves:

    1. Nf6+ Rxf6
    2. Qb4 Rxf8
    3. Qb5+ Kd6
    4. Qxc6#

    There is a fantastic "impossible" move which forces checkmate in 3...

  5. I can't speak for anyone else, but as for me, I'm totally STUMPED by this. I've been thinking about this puzzle for two days-TWO DAYS-and I still can't see the solution.

  6. Jake, this problem is really hard to solve.

    It was composed by Barry Jack da Costa Andrade, one of the most famous chess composers ever.

    It was published in the British Chess Magazine, in 1932, and Barry Jack was awarded a prize for it.

    I'll wait a bit more before posting the solution. Let's see if someone can come up with it. :)

  7. It's been like five days now and no one has solved it. Why don't you just post the solution already?

  8. OK, Jake. Here it goes...

    The absolutely surprising 1. Ba3!! is the key move!

    Black has many possible moves, but almost all of them lose immediately:

    1. Ba3!! Nxd2
    2. Re5#

    1. Ba3!! Ne5
    2. Rxe5#

    1. Ba3!! Nfg5
    2. Re5#

    1. Ba3!! Nh4
    2. Re5#

    1. Ba3!! Nh2
    2. Re5#

    1. Ba3!! Nfg1
    2. Re5#

    What if 1. ... Rb7?

    1. Ba3!! Rb7
    2. Bxb7 Bg5
    3. Nc7#

    What if 1. ... Ra7?

    1. Ba3!! Ra7
    2. Nc7+ Bxc7
    3. Ne7#

    There is no way for Black to escape from checkmate.

    Unbelievable, isn't it?

  9. Dammit! I was so close! I thought Ba3 could be it at one time, but rejected it!

  10. The thing about Ba3 is it really seems to do absolutely nothing.

    And by doing nothing it does everything. :)

  11. Other possible lines:

    1. Ba3!! Rc7
    2. Qa5#

    1. Ba3!! Re7
    2. Nf6#

    1. Ba3!! Rg7
    2. Nf6+ Bxf6
    3. Qa5#

    1. Ba3!! Rh7
    2. Nf6+ Bxf6
    3. Qa5#

    1. Ba3!! Rf6
    2. Nxf6+ Bxf6
    3. Qa5#

    1. Ba3!! Rf8
    2. Nc7+ Bxc7
    3. Ne7#

    1. Ba3!! Rf5
    2. Ne7+ Bxe7
    3. Nc7#

    1. Ba3!! Rf4
    2. Nc7+ Bxc7
    3. Ne7#

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  13. In the spirit of being thorough:
    1 Ba3!! 1-0
    "No-no" moves (moves that allow immediate checkmate):
    1 ... Nf moves 2 R(x)e5#
    1 ... Bh4 (or Ba5 or Bf6 or Rc7) 3 Q(x)a5#
    1 ... Be7 2 Nc7#
    1 ... Re7 2 Nf6#
    Other possibilities:
    1 ... Nh moves (or Rg7 or Rh7) 2 Ne7+
    (2 ... Bxe7 3 Nc7#)
    (2 ... Rxe7 3 Nf6#)
    1 ... Bg5 2 Nf6+
    (2 ... Bxf6 3 Qa5#)
    (2 ... Rxf6 3 Ne7#)
    1 ... Bc7 (or Bb6) 2 Ne7+ Rxe7 3 Nf6#
    1 ... Rf4 (or Rf5 or Rf6 or Rf8) 2 Ne7+ Bxe7 3 Nc7#
    1 ... Ra7 2 Nc7+
    (2 ... Bxc7 3 Ne7#)
    (2 ... Rxc7 3 Qa5#)
    1 ... Rb7 2 Bxb7
    (2 ... Nh moves 3 N(x)f4#)
    (2 ... Bg5 (or Bc7) 3 N(x)c7#)
    (2 ... Bb6 (or Be7) 3 N(x)e7#)
    1 ... Rd7 2 Nf6+ Bxf6 3 Qa5#


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