
quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 3! (Paulo Cezar Filho)

Paulo Cezar Filho, Jornalheiros, 2014.
Código FEN: 8/B7/N2pp2p/2p1k3/7Q/8/B3K3/8 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)


8 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. 1 Bb1!! 1-0
    1 ... c4?? 2 Qd4#
    1 ... d5?? 2 Bb8#
    1 ... Kd5?? 2 Qe4#
    1 ... h5 2 Nb4!!
    (2 ... cxb4/c4 3 Qd4#)
    (2 ... d5 3 Bb8#)

  3. Well done, Jake! 1. Bb1!! is the key move.

    1. Bb1!! c4
    2. Qd4#

    1. Bb1!! d5
    2. Bb8#

    1. Bb1!! Kd5
    2. Qe4#

    When Black replies with 1. ... h5 I chose 2. Bc2!! as my second move:

    1. Bb1!! h5
    2. Bc2!! c4
    3. Qd4#

    1. Bb1!! h5
    2. Bc2!! d5
    3. Bb8#

    1. Bb1!! h5
    2. Bc2!! Kd5
    3. Qe4#

    But 2. Nb4!! also works, as you have showed:

    1. Bb1!! h5
    2. Nb4!! cxb4
    3. Qd4#

    1. Bb1!! h5
    2. Nb4!! c4
    3. Qd4#

    1. Bb1!! h5
    2. Nb4!! d5
    3. Bb8#

    2. Bd3!!, 2. Bg6!! and 2. Bh7!! would also work.

    I have composed this three-mover by myself, so I would like your opinion: was it a good one? Could it be better? :)

  4. Technically it's valid, as its key move is unique (in other words, there's only one possible key move). The issue I have with it is that there are so many different possible second moves that work (granted, all of them except for the knight move share a common theme, but whatever). I think the next three-mover you compose should make sure that there's only one second move that works, or, if there are two or more, that they share a common theme.

  5. Truth be told, I saw the knight move before I saw any of those bishop moves. I saw that 2 Nb4 completely immobilizes the king, so I went with that. Plus, I like sacrificial moves A LOT.

  6. Thank you for your analysis and tips, Jake.

    I am a beginner in this chess composing world. So, I still have a lot to learn.

    For this problem, I was trying to compose a two-mover, when I realized a three-mover was just ready. :)

    Next month I will try to come up with another problem, 2- or 3-mover.

  7. You're probably a better chess composer than I am; I completely SUCK when it comes to composing chess problems (though I'm fairly decent at solving them XD)

  8. Jake, you are indeed a very good solver of chess problems. And I really appreciate all the attention you give to my efforts.

    I'm already working on my next problem. I hope I can finish it soon. :)


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