
sábado, 1 de março de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 4! (Vladimir Kramnik)

Michail Brodsky vs Vladimir Kramnik, Kherson, 1991.
Código FEN: 8/4k2p/5p1b/q2bpP2/4B3/8/1PK4P/3QR3 b - - 0 1.

As Pretas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!

(Black to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)


4 comentários:

  1. 1- ... Qa4+ 2- Kb1 Ba2+ 3- Ka1 Bb3+ 4- Kb1 Qa2#

  2. That's it, Rodrigo.

    1 ... Qa4+!! 0-1
    2 b3 Qxb3#
    2 Kc3 Qc4#
    2 Kb1 Ba2+ 3 Ka1 Bb3+ 4 Kb1 Qa2#

  3. Excellent, guys!

    1. ... Qa4+!!
    2. Kd3 Qc4#

    1. ... Qa4+!!
    2. Kc3 Qc4#

    1. ... Qa4+!!
    2. Kb1 Ba2+
    3. Ka1 Bb3+
    4. Kb1 Qa2#

  4. Vladimir Kramnik, former World Chess Champion, will be one of the eight players in the Candidates Tournament to take place during the next weeks. The Tournament winner will face the current Champion Magnus Carlsen in a match for the world title.

    The Russian grandmaster is one of the top rated chess players nowadays. His opponents in the Candidates Tournament will be Viswanathan Anand, Levon Aronian, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Peter Svidler, Veselin Topalov, Sergey Karjakin and Dmitry Andreikin.

    Vladimir Kramnik was the World Champion from 2000 to 2007. In October 2000, he defeated the reigning Champion Garry Kasparov to become World Champion. In 2004, he successfully defended his title in a drawn match against Peter Leko. In 2006, he defeated Veselin Topalov in a "unification match" for the undisputed world title (Topalov was the FIDE official Champion). In 2007, he lost his title to Viswanathan Anand. In 2008, he had the chance to play against Anand to regain the title, but lost.


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