
domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 3! (Jacques Hood)

Jacques Hood, Morning Post, 1911.
Código FEN: 5B2/2p2p1K/2kp1P2/1R1p1B2/P2p3b/3P3P/2q1P3/1bR2Q2 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)


9 comentários:

  1. The light-square Bishop needs some support to assault the enemy King!

  2. Here's some of the stuff I've tried...

    1 e4? (2 exd5#) dxe3 ep!

    1 Qg2/Qf3!? (Qxd5#)
    1 ... Ba2 2 Rxc2+ Bc4 3 Rxc4#

    but 1 ... Qc5 2 Qg4 (3 Bd7#) Bxd3!

    1 Bc8/Bg4!? (2 Qf5 (3 Qd7#)) 1 Bf2!

  3. If the Bishop could go to d7, protected by another piece, it would be checkmate... The first two moves have to create that threat.

    Also, White must deal with 1. ... Qxc1, 1. ... Qc3, 1. ... Qc4 and 1. ... Qc5.

  4. Here is another hint.

    If the Black Queen is eventually on c3, then the Black Pawn on d4 will be overloaded.

    Similarly, if the Black Queen is eventually on c4, then the Black Pawn on d5 will be overloaded.

    And if the Black Queen is eventually on c5, then the Black Pawn on d6 will be overloaded.

    I think this might help in the solution. :)

  5. Well, this seems to be a very difficult puzzle... but keep trying, because the solution is worth it. :)

    This beautiful problem is the only known chess composition by this man Jacques Hood. He used to live in London, and that's all I could find about him...

  6. Here's the solution (according to yacpdb.com):

    1 Qf4! {2 Qg4 {3 Bd7#}}
    1 ... Qxc1 2 Qxc1+ Bc2 3 Qxc2#
    1 ... Qc3 2 Qe3!! {3 Qe8#} dxe3 3 Rxc3#
    1 ... Qc4 2 Qe4!! {3 Qxd5#} {3 Qe8#} dxe4 3 Rxc4#
    1 ... Qc5 2 Qe5!! {3 Qe8#} dxe5 3 Rxc5#

  7. 1. Qf4!! is the key move, threatening 2. Qg4!! and 3. Bd7#. For example:

    1. Qf4!! Bxf6
    2. Qg4!! Qxc1
    3. Bd7#

    If 1. ... Qxc1, then:
    2. Qxc1+!! Bc2
    3. Qxc2#

    If 1. ... Qc3, then:
    2. Qe3!!, threatening 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... dxe3, then:
    3. Rxc3#

    If 1. ... Qc5, then:
    2. Qe5!!, threatening 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... dxe5, then:
    3. Rcxc5#

    If 1. ... Qc4, then:
    2. Qe4!!, threatening 3. Qxd5#, 3. Qe8# and 3. Rxc4#
    If 2. ... dxe4, then:
    3. Rxc4#
    If 2. ... Bc2, then:
    3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... Ba2, then:
    3. Qxd5# or 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... Bxd3, then:
    3. Qxd5# or 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... Qxc1, then:
    3. Qxd5# or 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... Qc2, then:
    3. Qxd5# or 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... Qc3, then:
    3. Qxd5# or 3. Qe8#
    If 2. ... Qc5, then:
    3. Qe8#


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