
sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Godfrey Heathcote)

Godfrey Heathcote, Hampstead and Highgate Express, 1905.
Código FEN: 6K1/pN2R1PQ/p7/r2k3r/N2n4/1P2p3/BB5p/2Rb2bq w - - 0 1. #2

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)


11 comentários:

  1. Mate in 2:
    1.Rcc7+, ....Rxh7

    Mate in 3 which I considered first:
    1.Qxh5, Bxh5

  2. HePeDoBeH,

    Black has other replies to 1. Rcc7. The Knight has 8 possible moves, for example.

  3. 1 ... (Nb5/Rc5)[a] 2 Rc5#[A]
    1 ... Ne2[b] 2 Qxh5#[B]
    1 ... Ne6[c] 2 Rd7#[C]
    1 ... (Nf3/Qe4)[d] 2 Q(x)e4#[D]
    1 ... Nf5[e] 2 Re5#[E]
    1 Rcc7!! {2 Nc3#}
    1 ... (Nb5/Rc5)[a] 2 Rc5#[A]
    1 ... Ne2[b] 2 Qxh5#[B]
    1 ... Ne6[c] 2 Red7#[C]
    1 ... (Nf3/Qe4)[d] 2 Q(x)e4#[D]
    1 ... Nf5[e] 2 Re5#[E]
    1 ... Nxb3 2 Qd3#
    1 ... Nc2 2 b4#
    1 ... Nc6 2 Rcd7#

  4. Well done, Jake!!

    1. Rcc7!! is the key move, threatening 2. Nc3#:
    1. ... e2/Rb5/Bxb3/Bc2/Be2/Bf3/Bg4/Rxh7/Rh6/Rh4/Rh3/Rg5/Rf5/Re5/Bf2/Qg2/Qf3/Qe4 2. Nc3#
    1. ... Rc5 could be a solution, but:
    2. Rxc5#
    1. ... Rxa4 could be a solution, but:
    2. Rc5#

    Black could defend this by moving his Knight, so as to free the d4-square for his King.

    However, every one of the Knight's eight possible moves has a fatal drawback:
    1. ... Nc2 (blocks the Bishop on d1)
    2. b4#
    1. ... Nxb3 (self-pins the Knight)
    2. Qd3#
    1. ... Nb5 (blocks the Rook on a5)
    2. Rc5#
    1. ... Nc6 (self-blocks the c6-square)
    2. Rcd7#
    1. ... Ne6 (self-blocks the e6-square)
    2. Red7#
    1. ... Nf5 (blocks the Rook on h5)
    2. Re5#
    1. ... Nf3 (blocks the Queen on h1)
    2. Qe4#
    1. ... Ne2 (blocks the Bishop on d1)
    2. Qxh5#

    Beautiful, isn't it? :)

  5. PC Filho wrote: "Black could defend this by moving his Knight, so as to free the d4-square for his King."

    Black cannot move its king on d4 since there is white's bishop pointing to it!
    No matter what black plays he is checkmated that's why I porposed to take the queen :-)

  6. You're right. I'm just saying that you should post all the possible replies and answers, like Jake did.

  7. Qg6, than the next move is mate, only a check is needed (with queen or knight).

    Of course there is a mate in 1 with the knight anyway.

  8. Mihai,

    1. Qg6 Rh8+,

    and there is no checkmate...

  9. 1. Nc3+ / Kc6 (only have this move)
    2. Qg6+/ Ne6 (only have this move)
    3. Qxe6#

    Beautiful CheckMate!



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