
terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 4! (Sam Loyd)

Sam Loyd, Chess Monthly, maio de 1858.
Código FEN: 8/8/K1p1p1p1/P1p1P1p1/P1p1k1p1/P1B1P1p1/P1R1P1N1/8 w - - 0 1.

Xadrez é arte: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!

(Chess is art: White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)


6 comentários:

  1. 1 Rc1!! Kd5/Kf5 2 e4+ Kxe4 3 Re1 Kd5/Kf5 4 e4#

  2. Well done, Jake!

    1. Rc1!! Kf5/Kd5
    2. e4+!! Kxe4
    3. Re1!! Kf5/Kd5
    4. e4#

    What a beautiful problem. :)

  3. I am still amazed by this problem's beauty. ;)

  4. This position is not legal. The black pawns have to make 9 captures among them in order to get in that formation, but White's missing only 5 units.

    1. You are right, Jake. The position is illegal.

      Beautiful, but illegal.

    2. PS: in fact, I think this position would need "only" 8 captures by the Black Pawns:
      - the c4-Pawn could be the a7-original (after 2 captures);
      - the c5-Pawn could be the b7-original (after 1 capture);
      - the c6-Pawn could be the c7-original (after no captures);
      - the e6-Pawn could be the d7-original (after 1 capture);
      - the g3-Pawn could be the e7-original (after 2 captures);
      - the g4-Pawn could be the f7-original (after 1 capture);
      - the g5-Pawn could be the g7-original (after no captures);
      - the g6-Pawn could be the h7-original (after 1 capture).

      The position is still illegal, though.


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