
sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2015

Xadrez - Mate em 18! (Otto Gallischek)

Otto Gallischek, 1960.
Código FEN: k7/1pP5/1P6/8/8/K4rPR/1PPPPP2/8 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 18 lances! [Perceba que o Rei Branco está sob xeque!]

(White to play and give checkmate in 18 moves! [Notice that the White King is under check!])


5 comentários:

  1. Are you sure it's mate in 18, Paulo? Because I've calculated a mate in 17:

    1 e3! {2 c8Q#} Rxe3+ 2 c3! Rxc3+ 3 Ka2! {4 Rh8#} Ra3+ 4 Kb1! {5 c8Q/Rh8#} Ra1+ 5 Kc2! Rc1+ 6 Kd3! {7 Rh8#} Rc3+ 7 Ke2! Re3+ 8 Kf1! {9 c8Q#} Re1+ 9 Kg2! Rg1+ 10 Kf3! Rxg3+ 11 Ke2! Re3+ 12 Kd1! Re1+ 13 Kc2! Rc1+ 14 Kb3! {15 Rh8#} Rc3+ 15 Ka2!! Rxc7 16 Rh8+ Rc8 17 Rxc8#

    (Note that if White ever takes the rook, it's stalemate, and if Black ever stops checking, White mates sometime during the next three moves.)

    Stalemate avoidance

    1. Jake, yes, it's a mate in 18. You have found the solution, you just missed one delaying move by Black.

      The extra delaying move you missed is after 8. Kf1, when Black plays 8. ... Re8. Black doesn't check, but White plays a waiting move and keeps the strategy going: 9. g4!!. Then everything follows the same way: 9. ... Re1+, etc.

      So, the full solution is: Black apparently has a tactic to draw with perpetual checks. But White has a clever way to victory...
      1. e3!! Rxe3+
      2. c3!! Rxc3+
      3. Ka2!! Ra3+
      4. Kb1 Ra1+
      5. Kc2 Rc1+
      6. Kd3 Rc3+
      7. Ke2 Re3+
      8. Kf1 Re8 (now Black doesn't check, but White plays a waiting move and keeps the strategy)
      9. g4!! Re1+
      10. Kg2 Rg1+
      11. Kf3 Rg3+ (if 11. ... Rxg4, then 12. c8=Q#)
      12. Ke2 Re3+
      13. Kd1 Re1+
      14. Kc2 Rc1+
      15. Kb3 Rc3+ (if 15. ... Rxc7, then 16. Rh8+ Rc8 17. Rxc8#)
      16. Ka2 Rxc7 (if 16. ... Ra3+, then 17. Rxa3#) (if 16. ... Rxh3, then 17. c8=Q#)
      17. Rh8+ Rc8
      18. Rxc8#

      PS: there is another version of this problem, with Pieces instead of Pawns. For those who wanna check it out, the FEN code is "k7/1pP5/1P6/8/8/K4rNQ/1NRRBB2/8".

    2. I agree. This is a very creative problem. :-)

  2. Searching for new puzzles, I found a mirrored version of this problem:

    FEN: 7k/5Pp1/6P1/8/8/RPr4K/2PPPPP1/8 w - - 0 1.

    The solution is the same, naturally:
    1. d3 Rxd3+ 2. f3 Rxf3+ 3. Kh2 Rh3+ 4. Kg1 Rh1+ 5. Kf2 Rf1+ 6. Ke3 Rf3+ 7. Kd2 Rd3+ 8. Kc1
    8. ... Rd1+ 9. Kb2 Rb1+ 10. Kc3 Rxb3+ 11. Kd2 Rd3+ 12. Ke1 Rd1+ 13. Kf2 Rf1+ 14. Kg3 Rf3+ 15. Kh2!!
    15. ... Rh3+ 16. Rxh3#
    15. ... Rxf7 16. Ra8+ Rf8 17. Rxf8#
    8. ... Rd8! 9. b4!! Rd1+ 10. Kb2 Rb1+ 11. Kc3 Rb3+ 12. Kd2 Rd3+ 13. Ke1 Rd1+ 14. Kf2 Rf1+ 15. Kg3 Rf3+ 16. Kh2!!
    16. ... Rh3+ 17. Rxh3#
    16. ... Rxf7 17. Ra8+ Rf8 18. Rxf8#


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