
domingo, 22 de março de 2015

Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Lars Larsen)

Lars Larsen, Stela Polaris, 1972.
Código FEN: 1R6/7Q/N1B5/B4b1r/3p4/1P6/KNkPq1R1/n1r5 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)


3 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. All of the set play for this problem involves the black queen. It turns out that most of the black queen's moves have mates set: a random queen move opens the second rank for the g2-rook and allows Nb4; the corrections 1 ... Qxa6/Qb5/Qc4 allow 2 d3, which shuts off the queen's access back to e2 and also fires the direct battery on the second rank; and the correction 1 ... Qxd2 allows 2 Rxd2. However, White has no immediate mate for 1 ... Qe7/Qf2/Qxg2. The key 1 Rc8! takes care of this issue nicely, setting up a direct battery on the c-file, which White threatens to fire with Be4. Only two of the queen's moves actually defend against this threat: 1 ... Qc4 (blocking the c-file) allows 2 d3; and 1 ... Qd3 (blocking the b1-h7 diagonal) allows 2 Nb4. The other defenses involve putting other units on d3 to block the diagonal: 1 ... Bd3 opens the fifth rank so that the h5-rook can block the check, but 2 Bd5 closes it again; and 1 ... d3 keeps the bishop trained on the c8-rook, but 2 Bd7 interferes.

    Battery plays
    Defenses on same square


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