
domingo, 3 de maio de 2015

Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Edmond Barthélemy)

Edmond Barthélemy, La Stratégie, 1935.
Código FEN: 6BB/6P1/3n2kp/3PRb1N/4pQpP/4P1K1/8/8 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)


2 comentários:

  1. White has mates set for every possible Black move. 1 ... Kxh5 self-pins the bishop along the fifth rank and allows the pin-mate 2 Qxg4; 1 ... B~ opens the f-file, allows 2 Qf6; and 1 ... N~ unguards the bishop, allowing 2 Qxf5. A good key is 1 Nf6!, which takes away the flight on h5 and gives another one on f6. Taking the newly-offered flight (1 ... Kxf6) still self-pins the bishop--although along the f-file this time--and also allows a pin-mate: 2 Re6. Also, 1 ... B~ still opens a critical line--the fifth rank this time--and allows 2 h5. Finally, 1 ... N~ 2 Qxf5, as set. Note that the role played by the f-file in the set play is fulfilled by the fifth rank post-key, and vice-versa. A lovely mutate, if I do say so myself.

  2. Well done, Jake!! Thank you for all the details. :)

    1. Nf6!!
    1. ... Kxf6 2. Re6#
    1. ... h5 2. Qg5#
    1. ... N moves 2. Qxf5#
    1. ... B moves 2. h5#

    The only line you didn't show is 1. Nf6!! h5 2. Qg5#. As the Knight goes to f6, now the Pawn can advance to h5. However, this unguards g5, allowing the Queen to mate, protected by the h4-Pawn.

    I am making an effort, trying to select the problems by their beauty. I really enjoyed the beauty of this one. I'm glad you did, too. :-)


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