
terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015

Um labirinto no tabuleiro de xadrez

O. Wurzburg, 1919 (em Stephen Addison, The Book of Extraordinary Chess Problems, 1989).
Código FEN: b6r/p6n/3PP3/6p1/8/K2k4/8/bNn2N1r w - - 0 1.

Se as Pretas não se moverem, qual o número mínimo de movimentos para o Rei Branco chegar à casa f4? As Brancas somente podem mover o Rei; como no jogo regular, ele pode capturar peças inimigas, mas não pode ficar sob xeque.

(If Black does not move at all, what is the minimum number of moves for the White King to reach f4 square? White can move only the King; as in regular play, it can capture enemy pieces, but cannot enter check.)


4 comentários:

  1. The beginning of the chain of guards is the a1-bishop, but the c1-knight guards direct access; therefore White needs to go around. However, since the a7-pawn guards b6, White needs to take it before he can go on this long walk:
    1 Ka4 2 Ka5 3 Ka6 4 Kxa7

    Then the king goes on the aforementioned long walk to the c1-knight:
    5 Kb6 6 Kc7 7 Kd7 8 Ke7 9 Kf7 10 Kg6 11 Kf5 12 Kg4 13 Kg3 14 Kf2 15 Ke1 16 Kd1 17 Kxc1

    Now, to capture the a1-bishop, the king needs to go back the way he came, since the bishop guards b2:
    18 Kd1 19 Ke1 20 Kf2 21 Kg3 22 Kg4 23 Kf5 24 Kg6 25 Kf7 26 Ke7 27 Kd7 28 Kc7 29 Kb6 30 Ka5 31 Ka4 32 Ka3 33 Ka2 34 Kxa1

    Now White can begin to unravel the chain of guards, starting with the h8-rook:
    35 Ka2 36 Ka3 37 Ka4 38 Ka5 39 Kb6 40 Kc7 41 Kd7 42 Ke7 43 Kf7 44 Kg7 45 Kxh8

    Then the a8-bishop:
    46 Kg8 47 Kf7 48 Ke8 49 Kd8 50 Kc8 51 Kb8 52 Kxa8

    Then the h1-rook:
    53 Kb7 54 Kc6 55 Kd5 56 Ke5 57 Kf5 58 Kg4 59 Kg3 60 Kg2 61 Kxh1

    Followed by the h7-knight:
    62 Kh2 63 Kh3 64 Kg4 65 Kh5 66 Kh6 67 Kxh7

    And, finally, the g5-pawn:
    68 Kg6/Kh6 69 Kxg5

    Now all that remains is to step on f4, and the task is complete:
    70 Kf4

    My answer: 70 moves

    1. Well done, Jake!

      Seventy moves! In order to fulfill the task, the White King has to capture every black piece but the King, while stepping carefully around the guarded squares:
      1. Ka4 2. 2. Ka5 3. Ka6 4. Kxa7 5. Kb6 6. Kc7 7. Kd7 8. Ke7 9. Kf7 10. Kg6 11. Kf5 12. Kg4 13. Kg3 14. Kf2 15. Ke1 16. Kd1 17. Kxc1 18. Kd1 19. Ke1 20. Kf2 21. Kg3 22. Kg4 23. Kf5 24. Kg6 25. Kf7 26. Ke7 27. Kd7 28. Kc7 29. Kb6 30. Ka5 31. Ka4 32. Ka3 33. Ka2 34. Kxa1 35. Ka2 36. Ka3 37. Ka4 38. Ka5 39. Kb6 40. Kc7 41. Kd7 42. Ke7 43. Kf7 44. Kg7 45. Kxh8 46. Kg8 47. Kf7 48. Ke8 49. Kd8 50. Kc8 51. Kb8 52. Kxa8 53. Kb7 54. Kc6 55. Kd5 56. Ke5 57. Kf5 58. Kg4 59. Kg3 60. Kg2 61. Kxh1 62. Kh2 63. Kh3 64. Kg4 65. Kh5 66. Kh6 67. Kxh7 68. Kg6 69. Kxg5 70. Kf4

  2. Respostas
    1. I did enjoy this one. However, it would be nice to see regular directmate chess problems again.


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