
quinta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2017

Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Alex Casa)

Alex Casa, Die Schwalbe, 1952.
Código FEN: KB1b1N2/p6N/r7/qp2nB1p/2p1nkPR/R5p1/Q3P3/5r2 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)


2 comentários:

  1. The key is 1 Qc2! threatening Qxe4. Black can defend by moving the e4-knight. A random move of this knight, 1 ... S~ , allows White to fire the R+P battery on the fourth rank with 2 g5. That said, there are quite a few correction moves:
    1 ... Sg5 disables Pg5 but since this also cuts off the d8-bishop's control of h4, the battery still fires with 2 gxh5.
    1 ... Sd6 unpins the e5-knight but also cuts off the a6-rook, allowing 2 Se6.
    1 ... Sf6 and 1 ... Sf2 put the knight in a position where it will be able to block the discovered check, but each of these moves also cuts off one of the rooks, allowing 2 Sg6 and 2 Rf3 respectively.
    1 ... Sc3 cuts off the a3-rook, but it also cuts off the black queen, allowing 2 Qd2.

    A nice two-mover that features a clearly demonstrated black-correction theme, with absolutely no distracting by-play.

    1. Well done, Jake!!

      1. Qc2!! (threat: 2. Qxe4#)
      1. ... Nf6 2. Ng6#
      1. ... Ng5 2. gxh5#
      1. ... Nf2 2. Rf3#
      1. ... Nd2/Nc5 2. g5#
      1. ... Nc3 2. Qd2#
      1. ... Nd6 2. Ne6#


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