
sábado, 16 de dezembro de 2017

Xadrez - Mate em 17! (Josef Halumbirek)

Josef Halumbirek, Brunner-Gedenkturnier, 1946.
Código FEN: 6k1/8/5Q2/8/8/8/3p1pp1/3Kbrrb w - - 0 1.

Um problema interessante: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 17 lances!

(An interesting problem: White to play and give checkmate in 17 moves!)


10 comentários:

  1. If White moves his King, the Black pieces will be able to get away from their prison and win the game.

    So, White has to find a way to deliver checkmate only with his Queen. Will she be able to lure the Black King to h2 and give checkmate from h4?

    1. 1. Qe7 Kh7
      2. Qf8 Kg6

      I'm confident that this is the beginning of the solution, pushing the Black King down the board.

      However, I'm yet to figure out how to continue from this point.

    2. Uh... Black can't play 1 ... Kh7 after 1 Qe7; he'd be MOVING INTO CHECK.

    3. I think "Unknown" meant
      1. Qe7 Kh8
      2. Qf8 Kg7

    4. That's also impossible. Black's moving into check on move 2.

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. If it's Black's turn to move in the diagrammed position, White has mate in 13:

    1 ... Kh7 2 Qf8 Kg6 3 Qe7 (several possible paths) 9 Qe4 Kh3 10 Qe6+ Kg3 11 Qf5 Kh4 12 Qg6 (or 11 ... Kh2 12 Qf4+) Kh3 13 Qg5 Kh2 14 Qh4 mate.

    So, it appears White must use his first 4 moves to get back to the diagrammed position with Black to move. I haven't quite worked out how, though...

    1. I've figured it out!

      1 Qe7 Kh8 2 Qg5 Kh7 3 Qe5! (waiting). If 3 ... Kg8 then 4 Qf6 restores the diagrammed position but with Black to move; White mates in 13 more moves according to the sequence I mentioned in my earlier post. A similar fate awaits Black after 3 ... Kh6 4 Qf6+ Kh7 5 Qf8.


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