
quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2017

Xadrez - Mate em 20! (William Bone)

William Bone, English Chess Problems, 1876.
Código FEN: 2n4k/2KB1ppp/1p3p2/p5Q1/4p1N1/Pbpr4/1Br3PR/1n1q4 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 20 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 20 moves!)


4 comentários:

  1. In the diagram, Black threatens mate in five with 1 ... Rxd7+. So, White must give a series of checks to avoid losing. The correct sequence is detailed below.

    First, some preliminary checks:
    1 Rxh7+ Kxh7 Sxf6+ gxf6 3 Bf5+ Kh8 4 Qh6+ Kg8 5 Bh7+ Kh8

    Now, the bishop acts as a wrecking ball, giving discovered checks while clearing away the units guarding c3:
    6 Bxe4+ Kg8 7 Bh7+ Kh8 8 Bxd3+ Kg8 9 Bh7+ Kh8 10 Bxc2 Kg8 11 Bh7+ Kh8 12 Bxd1+ Kg8

    Now, it's mate in 8:
    13 Bh7+ Kh8 14 Bd3+ Kg8 15 Qh7+ Kf8 16 Qh8+ Ke7 17 Qd8+ Ke6 18 Bxc3! (threat 19 Qd7 mate) Qxd3 19 Qxf6+ Kd5 20 Qc6


    1. Well done, Jake!

      Correcting a little typo: 12 Bxb1+

    2. The Bishop's windmill just blowing away all of Black pieces. Very nice!

    3. The key move is a Rook sacrifice:
      1. Rxh7+!!
      1. ... Kg8 2. Qxg7#
      1. ... Kxh7 2. Nxf6+!!
      2. ... Kh8 3. Qh4+! Qh5 4. Qxh5#
      2. ... gxf6 3. Bf5+! Kh8 4. Qh6+! Kg8 5. Bh7+!! (and the windmill begins...)
      5. ... Kh8 6. Bxe4+! Kg8 7. Bh7+! Kh8 8. Bxd3+! Kg8 9. Bh7+! Kh8 10. Bxc2+! Kg8 11. Bh7+! Kh8 12. Bxb1+! Kg8 13. Bh7+! Kh8 14. Bd3+!! (the Bishop needs to be exactly in this square, as will be shown soon)
      14. ... Kg8 15. Qh7+! Kf8 16. Qh8+! Ke7 17. Qd8+!! (and that Bishop protects the Queen)
      17. ... Ke6 18. Bxc3!! (threat: 19. Qd7#)
      For the first time, Black has some freedom, but they cannot stop the doom...
      18. ... Nd6 19. Qxd6#
      18. ... Ba4 19. Qxf6+! Kd5 20. Qe5#
      18. ... Qxd3 19. Qxf6+! Kd5 20. Qc6#


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