
quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2017

Xadrez - Mate em 4! (Hans Lepuschütz)

Hans Lepuschütz, Arbeiter-Zeitung, 1950.
Código FEN: 7k/5Pqp/7p/2B4P/K4R2/2p5/8/7n w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)


5 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. The key move is very hard to find, indeed.

    2. I thought about 1. f8=Q+, but after 1. ... Qxf8, White doesn't have an immediate win.

  2. White would love to play 1 Bd4? pinning the queen and threatening 2 f8(Q) mate, but 1 ... Qxd4+! defeats this plan. The key 1 Rg4! threatens 2 Rxg7 and 3 f8(Q) mate. Any queen move defends but the best defense is 1 ... Qxg4+. White responds with 2 Ka3! (any other move invites pins or unanswerable checks). The only defense against the dual threats of 3 f8(Q)+ Qg8 4 Bd4 and 3 Bd4+ Qg7 4 f8(Q) is to give check yet again with 2 ... Qa4+ or 2 ... Qb4+. White responds with 3 KxQ, and Black has no defense against the dual threats of 4 f8(Q) and 4 Bd4. This pattern of moves (a white mainplan fails simply because he doesn't have enough time to pull it off, so he makes it work by making moves that invite checks to lure the main defender(s) away and then disposing of said defenders) is named the Lepuschütz theme, after this problem's author. The by-play isn't as interesting, though it does involve White forming, and then firing, a battery: 1 ... Qxf7 2 Bd4+ Qg7 3 Rxg7 any 4 R~(toward g1).

    1. The reason why the theme is named after Lepuschütz is probably because many of his chess problems use it.


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