
segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2018

Xadrez - Mate em 8! (Josef Halumbirek)

Josef Halumbirek, Freie Presse, 1968.
Código FEN: 8/8/8/8/1k6/1p6/pp1p1Q2/rrbK4 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 8 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 8 moves!)


7 comentários:

  1. The key move is 1. Qb6+!!

    After that, always move your Queen to where she will restrict the black King the most, always pushing him to the edge of the board (column a).

    Once the black King arrives at the edge, the Queen must push him to the square "a3", and deliver checkmate from "a5". This is easily done: King on "a6", Queen on "b8"; King on "a5", Queen on "b7"; King on "a4", Queen on "b6"; King on "a3", Queen on "a5", checkmate. If the Queen cannot go immediately to the expected square, just make a waiting move first.

    1. Yes, this is an algorithm that works. :)

    2. I put the problem into two softwares: Fruit couldn't find the solution; Rybka did find it, but it took some time.

  2. Here's the full solution.

    1 Qb6+ Kc3 2 Qd8! (waiting)
    2 ... Kc4 3 Qd6 Kc3 4 Qd5 Kb4 5 Qc6 Ka5 or Ka3 6 Qb7 Ka4 7 Qb6 Ka3 8 Qc5
    _3 ... Kb5 4 Qc7 Kb4 5 Qc6 Ka5 or Ka3 6 Qb7 etc.
    __4 ... Ka6 5 Qb8 Ka5 6 Qb7 etc.
    2 ... Kb4 3 Qc8 Kb5 4 Qc7 Ka6 5 Qb8 Ka5 6 Qb7 etc.

    1. The other possible variations and subvariations end before White's 8th move.

    2. Well done, Jake.

      Small typo correction:

      (...) 7 Qb6 Ka3 8 Qa5

  3. This is another crazy position created by Josef Halumbirek, which confuses even some modern softwares.

    1. Qb6+!! is the key move. The idea, as usual in these problems by Halumbirek, is to drive the black King to a3, and deliver checkmate with the white Queen in a5.

    Black has 4 different responses to the key move: 1. ... Ka3, 1. ... Ka4, 1. ... Kc4 and 1. ... Kc3.

    Of course, 1. ... Ka3 loses immediately:
    1. ... Ka3 2. Qa5#

    The second worst Black response is 1. ... Ka4, which also loses soon:
    1. ... Ka4 2. Qb8!!
    2. ... Ka5 3. Qb7!! Ka4 4. Qb6!! Ka3 5. Qa5#
    2. ... Ka3 3. Qb7!! Ka4 4. Qb6!! Ka3 5. Qa5#

    Here's the full tree of responses to 1. ... Kc4:
    1. ... Kc4 2. Qd6!!
    2. ... Kc3 3. Qd5!! Kb4 4. Qc6!!
    4. ... Ka3 5. Qc5+!! Ka4 6. Qb6!! Ka3 7. Qa5#
    4. ... Ka5 5. Qb7!! Ka4 6. Qb6!! Ka3 7. Qa5#
    2. ... Kb5 3. Qc7!!
    3. ... Ka4 4. Qb6!! Ka3 5. Qa5#
    3. ... Kb4 4. Qc6!!
    4. ... Ka5 5. Qb7!! Ka4 6. Qb6 Ka3 7. Qa5#
    4. ... Ka3 5. Qc5+!! Ka4 6. Qb6!! Ka3 7. Qa5#
    3. ... Ka6 4. Qb8!! Ka5 5. Qb7!! Ka4 6. Qb6!! Ka3 7. Qa5#

    And here's the full tree of responses to 1. ... Kc3:
    1. ... Kc3 2. Qd8!!
    2. ... Kc4 3. Qd6!!
    3. ... Kc3 4. Qd5!! Kb4 5. Qc6!!
    5. ... Ka3 6. Qc5+!! Ka4 7. Qb6!! Ka3 8. Qa5#
    5. ... Ka5 6. Qb7!! Ka4 7. Qb6!! Ka3 8. Qa5#
    3. ... Kb5 4. Qc7!!
    4. ... Ka4 5. Qb6!! Ka3 6. Qa5#
    4. ... Kb4 5. Qc6!!
    5. ... Ka5 6. Qb7!! Ka4 7. Qb6 Ka3 8. Qa5#
    5. ... Ka3 6. Qc5+!! Ka4 7. Qb6!! Ka3 8. Qa5#
    4. ... Ka6 5. Qb8!! Ka5 6. Qb7!! Ka4 7. Qb6!! Ka3 8. Qa5#
    2. ... Kb4 3. Qc8!!
    3. ... Ka3 4. Qb7!! Ka4 5. Qb6!! Ka3 6. Qa5#
    3. ... Ka5 4. Qb7!! Ka4 5. Qb6!! Ka3 6. Qa5#
    3. ... Ka4 4. Qb8!!
    4. ... Ka5 5. Qb7!! Ka4 6. Qb6!! Ka3 7. Qa5#
    4. ... Ka3 5. Qd6+!! Ka4 6. Qb6!! Ka3 7. Qa5#
    3. ... Kb5 4. Qc7!!
    4. ... Ka4 5. Qb6!! Ka3 6. Qa5#
    4. ... Ka6 5. Qb8!! Ka5 6. Qb7!! Ka4 7. Qb6!! Ka3 8. Qa5#
    4. ... Kb4 5. Qc6!!
    5. ... Ka5 6. Qb7 Ka4 7. Qb6 Ka3 8. Qa5#
    5. ... Ka3 6. Qd6+ Ka4 7. Qb6 Ka3 8. Qa5#


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