
quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2018

Um quadrado mágico de cartas

Recreational Mathematics Magazine, 1961.

A figura acima mostra um quadrado mágico de cartas: cada linha, cada coluna e cada diagonal principal contêm um ás, um rei, uma dama e um valete, e todos os quatro naipes. O quadrado 2 × 2 central e os quatro quadrados 2 × 2 dos cantos também possuem a mesma propriedade. Se observarmos as quatro cartas dos cantos, também vemos os quatro tipos e os quatro naipes. Há ainda outros subconjuntos simétricos que também possuem os quatro tipos e os quatro naipes.

Incrível, não?

(pescado e traduzido do sempre ótimo Futility Closet)

8 comentários:

  1. In English:

    A magic square of cards

    The above figure shows a magic square of cards: each row, each column and each main diagonal contains an ace, a king, a queen, and a jack, and all four suits. The central 2 x 2 square and the 2 x 2 squares in the corners also possess the same property. If we observe the four cards in the corners, we also see all four ranks and all four suits. There is no other symmetrical subset [in the figure] that contains all four ranks and all four suits.

    Incredible, isn't it?

    1. By the way, yes, it is incredible.

    2. Your translation was almost perfect.

      The only mistake was in "There is no other symmetrical subset [in the figure] that contains all four ranks and all four suits."

      In fact, I wrote that "There are still other symmetrical subsets that contain all four ranks and all four suits."

  2. Actually, there are two more subsets that contain all four suits and all four ranks: each of the two sets that consists of cards that are adjacent to two opposite corners. These sets in the figure are:

    Ace of clubs, king of diamonds, queen of spades, jack of hearts
    Ace of spades, king of hearts, queen of clubs, jack of diamonds

    1. Yes, Jake. These subsets also contain all four ranks and all four suits. (There are other ones!!!)

      (Thank you for the almost-perfect translation!!)

    2. Two other subsets containing all 4 ranks and all 4 suits are the pairs of cards in the middle of opposite sides of the square.

  3. The corners of each possible 3 x 3 square also have the special property.


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