Jost Michaels, Die Schwalbe, 1997. Código FEN: 1b6/2Q5/2Pq1PpB/8/2BNk1NR/2P5/6P1/4K2R w K - 0 1. |
sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2018
Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Jost Michaels)
8 comentários:
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The solution is unbelievable. Hahahaha!
ResponderExcluirYes, it is. :)
ExcluirThe key move is 1. O-O!! (threatening 2. Re1#).
ExcluirCastle to win. :)
PC, what is your chess rating?
ResponderExcluirI don't have an official rating, because I have never played an official OTB tournament.
ExcluirHowever, these are my current ratings on
- bullet: 1665.
- blitz: 1670.
- rapid: 1670.
- daily: 1873.
- tactics: 1662.
I don't know if these ratings actually reflect my chess level. But that's it.
Thanks for answering. Your ratings put you in the top 5% of the site.
ExcluirSome people argue that the blitz rating on predicts your OTB rating, underestimating it in about 200 points. So, your OTB rating would probably be around 1870.
Thank you for this feedback. I'm still far from being a chessmaster. :P
ExcluirAs Unknown pointed out, the key is 1 O-O! threatening Re1. The black queen has several defenses, including two checks: 1 ... Qxd4+ 2 Se3; 1 ... Qxh2+ 2 Sxh2; 1 ... Qg3 2 Sf2; 1 ... Qf4 2 Rxf4. Also, 1 ... g5 defends by blocking the h6-bishop's guard of f4, but it also unblocks a mating line, allowing 2 Qh7.