
domingo, 30 de setembro de 2018

Xadrez - Mate em 6! (Ado Kraemer)

Ado Kraemer, Die Welt, 1958.
Código FEN: 8/6p1/6p1/4p1p1/4PkB1/1Q2NP1K/3q3p/6br w - - 0 1.

Este é um problema com uma solução espetacular: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 6 lances!

(This is a problem with a spectacular solution: White to play and give checkmate in 6 moves!)

(Thank you, Panos!)

3 comentários:

  1. White has mates set for every black move in the diagram. The black queen is preventing knight mates at both d5 and g2; 1 ... Qxe3 and 1 ... Bxe3 both allow, by selfblock, 2 Qf7 mate; and 1 ... Bf2 allows 2 Sg2 mate. White has no waiting move that preserves this block, but White initiates a sequence where the black queen must move back and forth between a2 and d2 (for these are the only squares from which the queen can guard both d5 and g2) and the white queen performs one tempo play (marked with an exclamation point):

    1 Qa3 Qa2 2 Qc5 Qd2 3 Qa7! Qa2 4 Qa3 (waiting)

    After 4 ... Bxe3 White has 5 Qf8+ Qf7 6 Qxf7. However, after 4 ... Qd2 White plays 5 Qb3 which returns the game state to the diagrammed position, but with Black to play. Now the set play works: 5 ... Q~ 6 Sd5 or Sg2; 5 ... Qxe3/Bxe3 6 Qf7; 5 ... Bf2 6 Sg2.

    Nice one.

    1. I should probably mention that I had Popeye find the key for me, but I don't post a solution until I have studied it and understand what's going on in it.

    2. Well done, Jake!

      In this amazing problem, the key move is 1. Qa3!!, putting Black in "almost-zugzwang":
      1. ... Qxe3/Bxe3 2. Qf8#
      1. ... Qb2/Qc2/Qe2/Qf2 2. Nd5#
      1. ... Qd5 2. Nxd5#
      1. ... Qd1/Qd3/Qd4/Qd6/Qd7/Qd8/Qa5 2. Ng2#
      1. ... Qg2+ 2. Nxg2#

      Other Queen moves allow both mates by the Knight.

      However, Black has one surprising move that apparently saves the position:
      1. ... Qa2! 2. Qc5!! (not taking the Queen!)

      Again, Black has one move that saves everything:
      2. ... Qd2! 3. Qa7!! Qa2! 4. Qa3!! Qd2! 5. Qb3!!

      And finally Black cannot deal with all threats:
      If, for example, 5. ... Qd6, then 6. Ng2#
      If, for example, 5. ... Qf2, then 6. Nd5#
      And if 5. ... Qxe3/Bxe3, then 6. Qf7#



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