
sábado, 4 de maio de 2019

Xadrez - Mate em 16! (Ottó Titusz Bláthy)

Ottó Titusz Bláthy, The Chess Amateur, 09/1922.
Código FEN: 8/8/8/2p5/1pp5/brpp4/qpprpK1P/1nkbn3 w - - 0 1.

Acredite se quiser: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 16 lances!

(Believe it or not: White to play and give checkmate in 16 moves!)


5 comentários:

  1. Of course 1 Ke1 is the only move White can make that isn't immediately losing, but after 1 ... Qa1 White plays the actual key: 2 h3! This tempo play makes the play match up properly:

    2 ... Qa2 3 h4 Qa1 4 h5 Qa2 5 h6 Qa1 6 h7 Qa2 7 h8(S) Qa1 11 Sxc5 Qa1 14 Sxc4 Qa2 15 Sa5 Qa1 16 Sb3
    (I skipped from move 7 to move 11 because there are several possible paths that get the knight from h8 to c5 in four moves. The same goes for why I skipped from move 11 to move 14.)

    An Excelsior and a smothered mate. Very nice, but I've seen the solution somewhere before (but I'd forgotten it since then).

    1. That's it, Jake.

      Black has all its pieces. White has the King and a Pawn, and wins anyway...

      1. Kxe1! Qa1 2. h3!! Qa2 3. h4 Qa1 4. h5 Qa2 5. h6 Qa1 6. h7 Qa2 7. h8=N!! Qa1 8. Nf7!! Qa2 9. Nd8 Qa1 10. Ne6 Qa2 11. Nxc5 Qa1 12. Ne4 Qa2 13. Nd6 Qa1 14. Nxc4 Qa2 15. Na5! Qa1 16. Nxb3#


      Keywords: Excelsior, Pawn double step, Smothered mate, Underpromotion.


      2. h3!! is necessary, to lose a tempo: 2. h4? Qa2 3. h5 Qa1 4. h6 Qa2 5. h7 Qa1 6. h8=N Qa2 7. Nf7 Qa1 8. Nd8 Qa2 9. Ne6 Qa1 10. Nxc5 Qa2 11. Nd7 Qa1 12. Ne5 Qa2 13. Nxc4 Qa1 14. Na5 Qa2, draw)

      8. Nf7!! is the only possible move to win: 8. Ng6? Qa2 9. Ne5 Qa1 10. Nxc4 Qa2 11. Na5 c4! 12. Nxc4 Qa1 13. Na5 Qa2, draw)

    2. No, White can still get mate in 16 with 8 Sg6. The knight can go, say, g6 to e5 to d7, capture on c5. Even Stockfish, of all engines, confirms that 8 Sf7 and 8 Sg6 are equivalent moves.

    3. Yes, Jake, you are right. What matters is to capture the c5-Pawn first.

  2. Here's a YouTube vídeo about this problem: https://youtu.be/WqenJgw7ZIc


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