
quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2019

Matemática – Um círculo em um triângulo retângulo

Um exercício de geometria: prove que o raio do círculo inscrito em um triângulo com lados 3–4–5 é 1.

(A geometry exercise: prove that the radius of the circle inscribed in a triangle with sides 3–4–5 is 1.)

(pescado no sempre ótimo Futility Closet)

3 comentários:

  1. The inscibed circle divides each of the three sides into two smaller segments. Due to symmetry, in the case of the 3-4-5 right triangle, we get the following system of equations:


    where r is the radius of the circle, x is the longer segment of the short leg, and y is the longer segment of the long leg.

    Solving this system yields r=1, x=2, and y=3. Therefore, the radius of the circle is 1.

    1. The shorter segment of each leg is congruent to the circle's radius because the radii that intersect the legs form a square with these two segments.

    2. Well done, Jake!

      The shorter segments of the hypotenuse measure x and y because the lines which bisect the angles of the triangle pass through the center of the circle.


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