
sábado, 28 de março de 2020

Geometria – Um quadrado e um triângulo

Na figura acima, o triângulo e o quadrado são ambos regulares. Qual é a soma dos ângulos marcados em rosa?

(In the figure above, the triangle and the square are both regular. What is the sum of the pink angles?)

(problema pescado no Twitter de Ed Southall)

2 comentários:

  1. In this answer I will use the following geometrical truths:

    1. The sum of the angles of any triangle is 180 degrees.
    2. Vertical angles are congruent.
    3. The sum of the smaller angles of any right triangle is 90 degrees.

    Observe that the intersection of the square and the equilateral triangle produces three new triangles: a right triangle and two other triangles. By statement 1, the sum of all the angles of the two other triangles is 360 (=2*180) degrees. One pair of angles just happens to be two of the equilateral triangle's angles, so their sum is 120 [=2*(180/3)] degrees. So the sum of the remaining four angles is 240 (=360-120) degrees. Two of these four angles are vertical angles to the two smaller angles of the right triangle, so their sum must be 90 degrees. So the remaining pair of angles is 150 (=240-90) degrees. And, since the pink angles are vertical angles to the angles in this pair, their sum must also be 150 degrees.

    My answer: 150 degrees


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