
quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Geometria – O semicírculo

Geometria: qual é a área do semicírculo na figura acima?

(Geometry: what is the area of the semicircle in the figure above?)

(mais um problema pescado no excelente Twitter de Ed Southall)

4 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Essa é a resposta aproximada, se as medidas forem em metros. Mas como você chegou a ela? :)

  2. Labeling a few points to start:
    A, B: left and right endpoints of the diameter of the semicircle, respectively
    C, D: top and bottom endpoints of the segment with length 12, respectively

    We start by drawing segments AC and BC, creating three triangles: △ABC, △ACD, and △CBD. While we’re at it, we’ll draw the other half of the circle, too. We notice that △ACD and △CBD are right triangles. Since A, B, and C are all points on the circle, that makes ∠ACB an inscribed angle. There’s a geometrical theorem that states that the measure of an inscribed angle is equal to half the measure of the arc it subtends. Arc AB (for clarification, the lower arc that goes from A to B) is the arc subtended by ∠ACB, and the measure of this arc, since it is a semicircle, is 180°. Therefore, m∠ACB is half that, or 90°, making ∠ACB a right angle and △ABC a right triangle. Since CD is orthogonal to AB (the base of △ABC), that makes it an altitude of △ABC. Since an altitude of a right triangle divides it into two right triangles that are similar to it and to each other, △ACD ~ △CBD. Therefore, BD/CD = CD/AD. AD = 6 and CD = 12, so BD = (CD)²/AD = 144/6 = 24. And that means that AB = AD + CD = 6 + 24 = 30. Since AB is the diameter of the circle, the radius of the circle is half its length, or 15 (= 30/2). The area of a semicircle is π/2 times the square of the radius, so the area of the semicircle is π(15)²/2, or 225π/2.

    My answer: 225π/2


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