
domingo, 17 de maio de 2020

Geometria - Um problema de Catriona Shearer

Um problema de geometria criado por Catriona Shearer: um círculo e dois semicírculos estão presos por dois hexágonos regulares sobrepostos. Qual fração da área total está pintada de amarelo?

(A geometry problem created by Catriona Shearer: a circle and two semicircles are trapped by two overlapping regular hexagons. What fraction of the total area is painted yellow?)


2 comentários:

  1. To label a few points:
    A, B, C, J, K, L: the vertices of the left yellow region, starting with the upper left one and going counterclockwise
    D, E, F, G, H, I: the vertices of the right yellow region, starting with the lower left one and going clockwise

    Given: ABCDEF and GHIJKL are regular hexagons and are tangent to the circle and semicircles at the points indicated in the figure
    Given: The circle is tangent to the semicircles at the points indicated in the figure
    Task: Find the fraction of the figure’s total area represented by the yellow regions

    First, let’s extend the bases of the semicircles to the segments DE, EF, KL, and JK and label these new points P, Q, R, and S, respectively. This creates hexagon PEQRKS, which is regular. It also creates trapezoids DJSP and FLRQ, each of which is half of a regular hexagon. So, PS = 2(DJ). Since DJ = PD, PS = PE, and DE = PD + PE, DE = DJ + 2(DJ) = 3(DJ). So, the area of PEQRKS is four times, and the area of ABCDEF nine times, the area of the regular hexagon formed by the union of DJSP and FLRQ. That means that the area of one of the yellow areas must be four times the area of the union of DJSP and FLRQ, since 9 – (4 + 1) = 4. So, the fraction of the total area that is yellow is 2(4)/(4 + 9) = 8/13.

    My answer: 8/13

    1. Wow. Well done, Jake! You made that look so simple. :)


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