
quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2020

Geometria – Triângulos e paralelogramos

Um problema de geometria publicado hoje pela United Kingdom Mathematics Trust: há três pares de linhas paralelas, como indicado na figura acima. Os três triângulos têm áreas 1, 4 e 16, como mostrado. Qual é a área total da figura?


2 comentários:

  1. It looks like the diagram was intentionally drawn not to scale. (That didn't stop me from solving it, though. XD)

    Since the lines making the triangles occur in parallel pairs, the triangles are all similar. In particular, the side lengths of the blue triangle are twice the side lengths of the green triangle, which in turn are twice the side lengths of the red triangle. If we extend the sides on the left and right sides of the figure upwards until they intersect, we will make a triangle whose side lengths are seven (= 4 + 2 + 1) times the side lengths of the red triangle. So, the area of this triangle is 7^2 = 49 square units. To get the area of the figure, we subtract the area of the parallelogram formed when we performed the aforementioned extensions. If we add the blue and green triangles to this parallelogram, we get a triangle whose side lengths are three times the green triangle's side lengths. This means that the area of this triangle is nine times the area of the green triangle, or 36 square units. So, the area of the new parallelogram is 36 - (16 + 4) = 16 square units. Therefore, the area of the figure is 49 - 16 = 33 square units.

    My answer: 33 square units

    1. You mixed up the green and red triangles, but the reasoning was perfect, as usual. Well done, Jake!


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