segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2020
Matemática - Um problema de chapéus
2 comentários:
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The strategy that results in a 75% survival rate is this:
ResponderExcluirEach gnome uses this algorithm: "If I see two hats of the same color, I will guess the other color; otherwise I will pass."
If the gnomes play this way, they will guarantee avoiding a result where all three pass. Their survival will depend on whether the hats are all the same color. If the hats are all the same color (two out of the eight possible outcomes) the gnomes will die, because they'll all guess, and every guess will be incorrect. However, if one hat is a different color than the other two (the other six outcomes), the gnomes survive, as the only gnome that will guess is the one wearing the "oddly"-colored hat, and his guess will be correct. Since the gnomes survive in six out of the eight possible outcomes, the survival rate is 6/8 = 75%.
Well done, Jake!