
quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2020

Geometria – Sete dardos

Prove que, se sete dardos pousarem em um alvo circular, sempre haverá dois dardos que não estão mais distantes do que um raio.

(Prove that if seven darts land on a circular dartboard, there will always be two darts that are no farther apart than the distance of one radius.)

(pescado no Futility Closet)

2 comentários:

  1. Simple.

    If a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle, its sides will have the same length as the circle's radius. The vertices of this hexagon represent the furthest apart six darts can be from each other. In this scenario, if the seventh dart lands in the center, that will make it be exactly one radius apart from each of the other six; and if it lands anywhere else, considering the triangle formed between that dart and the two darts it landed closest to, the side of the hexagon defined by those two darts will be the longest side of that triangle, and, since the sides of the hexagon are equal in length to the circle's radius, the shorter sides of that triangle will be shorter than the circle's radius.

    1. That's it, Jake. Thank you for explaining it in such a didactic fashion.


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