
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2020

Geometria - Um problema de triângulos retângulos

James Tanton pergunta em seu Twitter: uma potência de dois pode ser a hipotenusa de um triângulo retângulo com lados inteiros?

(James Tanton asks on his Twitter: can a power of two be the hypotenuse of an integer right triangle?)


5 comentários:

  1. We start with the Pythagorean Theorem:

    a² + b² = (2ⁿ)² = 2²ⁿ = (2²)ⁿ = 4ⁿ

    Since the sum of a² and b² is even, that means that a and b are both odd or both even.

    (Case #1: a and b are both odd)
    If a and b are both odd, we have:
    a = 2h + 1, where h is a positive integer
    b = 2k + 1, where k is a positive integer
    (2h + 1)² + (2k + 1)² = 4ⁿ
    4(h² + h + k² + k) + 2 = 4ⁿ
    Notice that the left side of this equation will never be divisible by 4 and the right side will always be divisible by 4. This contradicts the assertion that they’re equal, which means that this case is impossible.

    (Case #2: a and b are both even)
    If a and b are both even, then gcf(a,b) = 2ᵐ, where m is an integer that is less than half n, and:
    a = 2ᵐx, where x is an odd integer
    b = 2ᵐy, where y is an odd integer
    (2ᵐx)² + (2ᵐy)² = 4ⁿ
    x² + y² = 4ⁿ⁻²ᵐ
    Here, we have two odd integers being the lengths of the legs of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is a power of 2. But, we’ve seen in Case #1 that this is impossible. Since the assumption in this case also leads to a contradiction, we must conclude that this case is also impossible.

    Therefore, it is impossible for the length of a right triangle’s hypotenuse to be a power of 2.

    1. Well done, Jake!! What a beautiful demonstration!

    2. Except that the part that says 4^(n-2m) should say 4^(n-m).

    3. Also, in Case #2, it is possible for one of x and y to be odd and the other even, which would contradict the assertion that the sum of their squares is even anyway.

  2. Here is a list of all possible hypotenuses up to 140: https://oeis.org/A009003

    As expected, none of them are powers of two.


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