
sábado, 10 de abril de 2021

Geometria - Quarto de círculo

O raio do quarto de círculo é 5. Qual é a área total dos quatro quadrados?

(The radius of the quarter circle is 5. What is the total area of the four squares?)

(pescado no Twitter da professora Catriona Agg)

Um comentário:

  1. Given: The radius of the quarter-circle is 5, and all of the quadrilaterals are squares.
    Question: What is the total area of the squares?

    For starters, since the height of the stack of two large squares is equal to the radius of the semicircle, the side length of each large square is 5/2. Let’s call the side length of the small squares x for now. Then, we draw a line segment from the bottom-left vertex of the lower large square to the upper-right vertex of the upper small square. Since this point just happens to lie on the quarter-circle, we know that the length of the line segment we just drew is equal to the radius of the quarter-circle, which is 5. So, we have a right triangle with hypotenuse 5 and leg lengths of (5/2 + x) and (2x). Thus:

    (5/2 + x)² + (2x)² = 5²
    25/4 + 5x + x² + 4x² = 25
    5x² + 5x – 75/4 = 0
    x² + x – 15/4 = 0
    x = -1/2 + √[(1/2)² + 15/4] = -1/2 + 2 = 3/2

    So, the side length of the small squares is 3/2. Therefore, the total area of the four squares is 2(5/2)² + 2(3/2)² = 2(25/4 + 9/4) = 2(17/2) = 17.

    My answer: 17 square units


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