
quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 5! (Sam Loyd)

Sam Loyd, London Era, 1861.
Código FEN: n1rb4/1p3p1p/1p6/1R5K/8/p3p1PN/1PP1R3/N6k w - - 0 1.

Um problema muito difícil: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 5 lances!

(A very hard problem: White to play and give checkmate in 5 moves!)


16 comentários:

  1. Sam Loyd published this problem stating that, in the main line, checkmate is delivered by "the least likely" piece on the board...

  2. More about this problem:

    It is one of the most famous chess problems ever composed. It even has a name: "Excelsior", after the poem "Excelsior", by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

    Sam Loyd composed it in 1858, as an answer to his friend Dennis Julien, who claimed he was always able to tell which piece would deliver checkmate in a chess problem. When Dennis saw this "Excelsior" problem, he immediately identified "the least likely piece to deliver checkmate"... :)

  3. I give up. Got anything for this one, Rodrigo?

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. Nothing... Paulo, the "least likely piece" is the King?

  6. The least likely piece to deliver checkmate, according to Sam Loyd and his friend, is the Pawn on b2...

  7. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  8. I told you guys that the problems would get harder in April. :)

  9. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  10. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  11. 1. Ng5 is a nice try, but it's not the key move for this problem.

    In the following line, for example, it takes more than 5 moves to checkmate:
    1. Ng5 Kg1
    2. bxa3 Kf1
    3. Rh2 e2
    4. Rf5+ Ke1

  12. Do you want me to post the full solution?

    Or should I hold it for a few more days? :)

  13. The subtle 1. b4!! is the key move. Some of the possible lines:

    1. b4!! Rc6
    2. Rd5 Rh6+
    3. Kxh6 Bg5+
    4. Nxg5 Kg1
    5. Rd1#

    1. b4!! Rc5+
    2. bxc5 a2
    3. c6 bxc6
    4. Rf5 Nc7
    5. Rf1#

    1. b4!! Rc5+
    2. bxc5 a2
    3. c6 Bc7
    4. cxb7 Bxg3
    5. bxa8=B#
    (note that, in this line, White has only moved the b2-Pawn!!)


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