
quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Finn Olof Eriksson)

Finn Olof Eriksson, Schackvärlden, 1935.
Código FEN: 3R4/B1Q1K1p1/p7/1pPB1p2/q1PkP1bR/b2p1r2/3P4/4r3 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)


4 comentários:

  1. 1 Ke8!! (2 Qxg7#) 1-0
    1 ... Rxe4+ 2 Be6#
    1 ... b4+ 2 c6#
    1 ... bxc4+ 2 Bc6#

  2. Also, Paulo, I've noticed that when you display solutions, you take way more space to do it than you really need to. So I offer a suggestion:

    After stating the key move, before going into the possibilities, you could give all mates that the key move threatens. Then the only possibilities that you need to actually list are the ones that defend against all of the threatened mates.

    To conclude this post, I will say that what I brought up in the above paragraph is something that I've noticed for quite a while, and the reason why I said anything at all about it is that I'm sure other people who read these posts also feel the same way about it that I do.

  3. Well done, Jake!

    1. Ke8!! is the key move.

    Some of the possible lines:

    1. Ke8!! b4+
    2. c6#

    1. Ke8!! Bh5+
    2. Bf7#

    1. Ke8!! g5
    2. Qg7#

    1. Ke8!! g6
    2. Qg7#

    1. Ke8!! f4
    2. Qxg7#

    1. Ke8!! fxe4
    2. Be6#

    1. Ke8!! Rxe4+
    2. Be6#

    1. Ke8!! bxc4+
    2. Bc6#

    1. Ke8!! Bxc5
    2. Bxc5#

  4. And thank you for your comment. From now on, I will try to write the solutions more concisely.


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