
sábado, 24 de maio de 2014

Xadrez - Mate em 3! (Michael Keller)

Michael Keller, L'Italia Scacchistica, 09/2006.
Código FEN: 2n4n/q1rp1BK1/pb1N1Rp1/B3k3/5N2/2PP1p2/r7/5b2 w - - 0 1.

Um problema difícil: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!

(A hard problem: White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)


7 comentários:

  1. I think a hint for the solution would be helpful, but I've managed to find the following set mates:

    1 ... Nxf7 2 Nxf7#
    1 ... Bc5/Rb7/Rc4 2 N(x)c4#
    1 ... Bxd3 2 Nxd3#
    1 ... Rc5 2 d4#

  2. Jake,

    All the set mates you found are correct, and are also important in the solution.

    Therefore, it's natural to think that the d3-Pawn and both Knights can't move for now, as they will be requested in their current positions.

    Note that the Rook also plays an important role where it is...

  3. I think I have it now...

    1 Bb4! (2 Nxg6+ Nxg6 3 Rf5#) 1-0
    1 ... Bh3 2 d4+ Bxd4 3 Nd3#
    1 ... Rg2 2 Bc5!! (3 d4#/Nc4#)
    (2 ... Bxd3 3 Nxd3#)
    (2 ... Nxd6 3 Bxd6#)

  4. Did you notice that the Rg2 line contains a Novotny?

  5. Tags: Mate in 3, Novotny, Clearance Sacrifice

  6. Well done, Jake.

    1. Bb4!! is the key move, threatening 2. Nxg6+ and 3. Rf5#:
    1. Bb4!! Rh2
    2. Nxg6+!! Nxg6
    3. Rf5#

    If 1. ... Nxf7, then:
    2. Nxf7#

    If 1. ... Ne7, then:
    2. Nc4+!! Rxc4
    3. Bd6#

    If 1. ... Rxc3, then:
    2. Bxc3+!! Bd4
    3. Nc4#

    If 1. ... Bh3, then:
    2. d4+!! Bxd4
    3. Nd3#

    If 1. ... Rg2, then:
    2. Bc5!!, and mate follows:
    2. ... Nxd6 3. Bxd6#
    2. ... Rxc5 3. d4#
    2. ... Bxc5 3. Nc4#
    2. ... Rd2 3. Nc4#
    2. ... Bxd3 3. Nxd3#
    2. ... Nxf7 3. Nxf7#

    And you're right about the Novotny theme in the Rg2 line. The White Bishop is sacrificed on c5, a square where it can be taken by two different Black pieces (Bishop and Rook) - and whichever Black piece makes the capture, it interferes with the other. :)


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