
terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Duas Damas

Quantas maneiras há para posicionar uma Dama Branca e uma Dama Preta em um tabuleiro de xadrez de tal forma que elas não ataquem uma à outra?

(How many ways are there to place one White Queen and one Black Queen on a chessboard in such a manner that they do not attack each other?)


4 comentários:

  1. I'll start by defining the following terms:

    Ring 1: The squares along the outer edges of the board (28 squares)
    Ring 2: The squares just inside Ring 1 (20 squares)
    Ring 3: The squares just inside Ring 2 (12 squares)
    Center: The four center squares

    Case 1: White queen on Ring 1 - controls 21 squares, so there are 43 possibilities for the black queen's placement
    Case 2: White queen on Ring 2 - controls 23 squares, 41 possibilities for the black queen's placement
    Case 3: White queen on Ring 3 - controls 25 squares, 39 possibilities for the black queen's placement
    Case 4: White queen in the center - controls 27 squares, 37 possibilities for the black queen's placement

    So the total number of possible positions is 28*43+20*41+12*39+4*37 = 1204+820+468+148 = 2500+120+20 = 2640. (If the queens were the same color, there would only be half as many, or 1320, possible positions.)

    1. The solving method is awesome, but you made a little mistake in the counting...

    2. I see it now. I forgot to rule out the square the queen's standing on as a possibility for the black queen!

      So, the number of possible positions is actually 28*42+20*40+12*38+4*36 = 1176+800+456+144 = 2400+160+16 = 2576.

    3. Now it's fine. :)

      Using your initial calculations: 2640 - 64 = 2576


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