
segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2019

Xadrez - Mate em 34! (Otto Gallischek)

Otto Gallischek, Gießener Freie Presse, 1955.
Código FEN: k1q4r/p7/P3P3/1N6/8/nQ2K3/6p1/2n5 w - - 0 1.

Aqui está outro interessante problema de xadrez. Os softwares que testei não conseguiram resolvê-lo. O YACPDB dá uma bonita solução em 42 lances. Porém, após algum trabalho, eu encontrei uma melhoria naquela solução. Então, as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 34 lances!

(Here is another interesting chess problem. The softwares I have tested couldn't solve it. YACPDB gives a beautiful solution in 42 moves. However, after some work, I have found an improvement in that solution. So, White to play and give checkmate in 34 moves!)


3 comentários:

  1. It seems that the first few moves have to be checks.

    First off, that pawn at g2 looks pretty threatening. Let's get rid of it:
    1 Qd5+ Kb8 (not 1 ... Qc6? 2 Qxc6+ Kb8 3 Qc7+ Ka8 4 Qa7 mate) 2 Qe5+ Ka8 3 Qe4+ Kb8 4 Qf4+ Ka8 5 Qf3+ Kb8 6 Qg3+ Ka8 7 Qxg2+ Kb8

    Next to fall are the knights:
    8 Qg3+ Ka8 9 Sc7+ Kb8 (9 ... Qxc7? allows 10 Qxc7! (threat 11 Qb7 mate) and White mates after some delaying black checks; e.g. 10 ... Sc4+ 11 Ke4 Sd2+ 12 Kf5 Rh5+ 13 Kg4 Rg5+ 14 Kxg5 Se4+ 15 Kf5 Sg3+ 16 Qxg3 any 17 Qg8 mate) 10 Se8+ Ka8 11 Qg2+ Kb8 12 Qb2+ Sb3 (not 12 ... Ka8? 13 Sc7+ Qxc7 14 Qxh8+ Qb8 15 Qh1+ Qb7 16 Qxb7 mate) 13 Qxb3+ Ka8 14 Qd5+ Kb8 15 Qe5+ Ka8 16 Qe4+ Kb8 17 Qf4+ Ka8 18 Qf3+ Kb8 19 Qg3+ Ka8 20 Qg2+ Kb8 21 Qb2+ Sb5 22 Qxb5+ Ka8

    Then the rook bites the dust:
    23 Qd5+ Kb8 24 Qe5+ Ka8 25 Qe4+ Kb8 26 Qf4+ Ka8 27 Qf3+ Kb8 28 Qg3+ Ka8 29 Qg2+ Kb8 30 Qb2+ Ka8 31 Sc7+ Qxc7 32 Qxh8+

    Only two moves remain now, with the last move taking the queen:
    32 ... Qb8 33 Qh1+ Qb7 34 Qxb7.

    Yet another great "stairway to mate" problem. This was especially enjoyable with the way White methodically removes all of the black defenders, starting with the weakest and hacking his way up the ladder, so to speak.

    1. Well done, Jake!!

      Note that if you play 12. ... Sb5 13. Qxb5+! (...) and it works the same way, with 21. ... Sb3 22. Qxb3+! (...) in the follow-up.

      The order of the factors will not matter. :)

    2. I was aware of that fact but chose not to include it in my post.


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