
quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2019

Xadrez - Mate em 84! (Ottó Titusz Bláthy)

Ottó Titusz Bláthy, Vielzügige Schachaufgaben, 1890.
Código FEN: 5K2/7p/2p4p/2Pb4/p2pn3/1p3B2/rp4rp/bR1N2nk w - - 0 1.

Mais uma obra de arte da mente brilhante de Ottó Bláthy: as Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 84 lances!

(Yet another artwork from the brilliant mind of Ottó Bláthy: White to play and give checkmate in 84 moves!)


3 comentários:

  1. In the diagram, if the e4-knight moves, White has immediate mate with Sf2, and if the d5-bishop moves, White plays Bxe4 followed by Sf2. So, the rook is the only unit that can safely move, and it can only move back and forth. So, if the white king can arrive at b4 after the rook moves to a2, White can force black to move a pawn. White does have a path to b4 that avoids bishop and knight checks, but he needs a tempo move in order to get the moves to line up properly, and the only safe square for this tempo move is a8. Therefore, we have the following sequence (tempo moves are marked with exclamation points):

    1 Ke7 Ra3 2 Kd8 Ra2 3 Kc7 Ra3 4 Kb8 Ra2 5 Ka8! Ra3 6 Ka7 Ra2 7 Kb6 Ra3 8 Ka5 Ra2 9 Kb4 h5 10 Ka5 Ra3 11 Kb6 Ra2 12 Ka7 Ra3 13 Kb8 Ra2 14 Ka8! Ka3 15 Ka7 Ra2 16 Kb6 Ra3 17 Ka5 Ra2 18 Kb4 h4 27 ... h3 36 ... h6 45 ... h5 54 ... h4 63 ... d3 72 ... d2 81 ... a3 82 Ka5 B~ 83 Bxe4 B~ 84 Sf2

    1. The e4-Knight guards the "f2" square, the Black Bishop guards the e4-Knight, the g1-Knight protects the King from an amazing discovered checkmate...

      So, the only pieces that Black can move without losing immediately are the a2-Rook and the Pawns. With a lot of patience, the White King marches through the board and makes Black run out of these moves...

      1. Ke7!! Ra3 2. Kd8 Ra2 3. Kc7 Ra3 4. Kb8 Ra2 5. Ka8 Ra3 6. Ka7 Ra2 7. Kb6 Ra3 8. Ka5 Ra2 9. Kb4 h5
      10. Ka5 Ra3 11. Kb6 Ra2 12. Ka7 Ra3 13. Ka8 Ra2 14. Kb8 Ra3 15. Ka7 Ra2 16. Kb6 Ra3 17. Ka5 Ra2 18. Kb4 h4
      19. Ka5 Ra3 20. Kb6 Ra2 21. Ka7 Ra3 22. Kb8 Ra2 23. Ka8 Ra3 24. Ka7 Ra2 25. Kb6 Ra3 26. Ka5 Ra2 27. Kb4 h3
      28. Ka5 Ra3 29. Kb6 Ra2 30. Ka7 Ra3 31. Kb8 Ra2 32. Ka8 Ra3 33. Ka7 Ra2 34. Kb6 Ra3 35. Ka5 Ra2 36. Kb4 h6
      37. Ka5 Ra3 38. Kb6 Ra2 39. Ka7 Ra3 40. Kb8 Ra2 41. Ka8 Ra3 42. Ka7 Ra2 43. Kb6 Ra3 44. Ka5 Ra2 45. Kb4 h5
      46. Ka5 Ra3 47. Kb6 Ra2 48. Ka7 Ra3 49. Kb8 Ra2 50. Ka8 Ra3 51. Ka7 Ra2 52. Kb6 Ra3 53. Ka5 Ra2 54. Kb4 h4
      55. Ka5 Ra3 56. Kb6 Ra2 57. Ka7 Ra3 58. Kb8 Ra2 59. Ka8 Ra3 60. Ka7 Ra2 61. Kb6 Ra3 62. Ka5 Ra2 63. Kb4 d3
      64. Ka5 Ra3 65. Kb6 Ra2 66. Ka7 Ra3 67. Kb8 Ra2 68. Ka8 Ra3 69. Ka7 Ra2 70. Kb6 Ra3 71. Ka5 Ra2 72. Kb4 d2
      73. Ka5 Ra3 74. Kb6 Ra2 75. Ka7 Ra3 76. Kb8 Ra2 77. Ka8 Ra3 78. Ka7 Ra2 79. Kb6 Ra3 80. Ka5 Ra2 81. Kb4!!

      Now Black is forced to play the losing moves. Examples:
      81. ... Bc4 82. Bxe4 Be6 83. Nf2#
      81. ... a3 82. Ka5! Ng3 83. Nf2#
      81. ... a3 82. Ka5! Bc4 83. Bxe4! Bb5 84. Nf2#
      81. ... Ra3 82. Kxa3! Bf7 83. Bxe4! Bg6 84. Nf2#
      81. ... Ra3 82. Kxa3! Bc4 83. Bxe4! Bf1 84. Nf2#
      81. ... Ra3 82. Kxa3! Be6 83. Bxe4! Bd5 84. Nf2#


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