
sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2019

Geometria – Qual é a área do quadrado menor?

Em um quadrado 20 x 20, desenhe linhas conectando cada vértice ao ponto médio do lado oposto, formando um quadrado menor, como no diagrama acima. Qual é a área deste quadrado menor?

(In a 20 x 20 square, draw lines connecting each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side, forming a smaller square, as in the diagram above. What is the area of this smaller square?)


4 comentários:

  1. The gray area of the square can be divided into four right triangles, the area of which is equal to the area of the white square. So, the area of the large square is five times the area of the white square. The area of the large square is also (20)(20) = 400 square units. So, we have 5A = 400. Dividing both sides by 5, we get A = 80. Therefore, the area of the white square is 80 square units.

    1. Well done, Jake. The answer is, indeed, 80. Do you have a proof that the area of one right triangle is equal to the area of the white square?

    2. Yes, I do.

      Each of the right triangles is a 1:2:√5 right triangle that has a hypotenuse that is 20 units long. So the smaller leg of each is 20/√5 = 4√5 units long, which would make the other leg 2(4√5) = 8√5 units long. So the area of each right triangle is equal to (1/2)(4√5)(8√5) = 80 square units.

      The white square has a side length that is equal to the length of the smaller leg of each right triangle. We know that that length is 4√5 units, so the area of the white square is (4√5)^2 = 80 square units, which is equal to the area of each right triangle.


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