
terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2020

Matemática - Divisibilidade

Questão da Olimpíada de Matemática da Albânia: prove que o número acima é divisível por 39.

(Question from the Albania Math Olympiad: prove that the number above is divisible by 39.)


2 comentários:

  1. Given: p = 19^37 + 13^37 + 7^37

    Prove: 39 | p

    First, let’s rearrange the terms a little:

    p = 19^37 + 7^37 + 13^37

    Then, we show that the sum of the first two terms is divisible by (19 + 7), or 26:

    p = (19 + 7)(19^36 – 7*19^35 + (7^2)(19^34) – … – 19*7^35 + 7^36) + 13^37
    p = 26(19^36 – 7*19^35 + (7^2)(19^34 – … – 19*7^35 + 7^36) + 13^37

    Then we factor 13 out of the whole thing:

    p = 13[2(19^36 – 7*19^35 + (7^2)(19^34) – … – 19*7^35 + 7^36) + 13^36]

    Regrouping the terms a little and then simplifying, we get:

    p = 13[2(19^36 + (7^2)(19^34) + … + (7^34)(19^2) + 7^36 – (7*19^35 + (7^3)(19^33) + … + 19*7^35)) + 13^36]
    p = 13[2(361(19^34 + (7^2)(19^32) + … + 7^34) – 133(19^34 + (7^2)(19^32) + … + 7^34)) + 13^36 + 2*7^36]
    p = 13[2(228(19^34 + (7^2)(19^32) + … + 7^34)) + 13^36 + 2*7^36]
    p = 13[456*Σ((49^k)(361^(17 – k)),k,0,17)) + 13^36 + 2*7^36]

    Now, in the bracketed expression, we add 3 to the first term, subtract 1 from the second term, and subtract 2 from the third:

    p = 13[456*Σ((49^k)(361^(17 – k)),k,0,17)) + 3 + 13^36 – 1 + 2*7^36 – 2]
    p = 13[(456*Σ((49^k)(19^(17 – k)),k,0,17)) + 3) + (13^36 – 1) + 2(7^36 – 1)]
    p = 13(x + y + 2z)


    x = 456*Σ((49^k)(19^(17 – k)),k,0,17)) + 3
    y = 13^36 – 1
    z = 7^36 – 1

    We will now show that each of the expressions above is divisible by 3. The first one’s easy—since both 456 and 3 are divisible by 3, we conclude that 3 | x. The others are a little trickier, but with a little math, they’re not so tough:

    y = (13 – 1)(13^35 + 13^34 + … + 1) = 12*Σ(13^k,k,0,35) → 3 | y (since 3 | 12)
    z = (7 – 1)(7^35 + 7^34 + … + 1) = 6*Σ(7^k,k,0,35) → 3 | z (since 3 | 6)

    Since x, y, and z are all divisible by 3, this means that 3 | (x + y + 2z). And, since p is 13 times a number that is divisible by 3, it follows that 39 | p.



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