
domingo, 7 de março de 2021

Geometria – Círculos e semicírculos

O diâmetro vermelho é 6. Qual é a área total sombreada?

(The red diameter is 6. What is the total shaded area?)

(pescado no Twitter da professora Catriona Agg)

5 comentários:

  1. Before we start, some labeling:
    F = area of blue figure
    θ = angle between the segment of length 6 and the diameter of the large semicircle
    A = left endpoint of segment of length 6
    B = left endpoint of upper semicircle’s diameter
    C = left endpoint of white semicircle’s diameter
    D = right endpoint of all the diameters

    First, we draw segment AB. Since △ABD is inscribed in a circle and segment BD is the diameter of that circle, △ABD is a right triangle. From here, we see that cos θ = adjacent/hypotenuse = BD/AD = BD/6; in other words, BD = 6 cos θ. Thus, the area of the upper semicircle is π(6 cos θ)²/2, or 18π cos² θ.

    Next, we draw segment AC. Again, we have a triangle inscribed in a circle. Segment CD is the diameter of this circle, so △ACD is a right triangle. We then notice that cos θ = AD/CD = 6/CD, so CD = 6 sec θ and the area of the large semicircle is π(6 sec θ)² = 18π sec² θ.

    Now we turn our attention to the white semicircle. Its diameter is segment BC, whose length is equal to CD – BD = 6 sec θ – 6 cos θ. This means that the area of the white semicircle is 18π(sec θ – cos θ)².

    Therefore, the area of the blue figure is the combined area of the upper and large semicircles minus the area of the white semicircle. In other words:
    F = 18π[sec² θ + cos² θ – (sec θ – cos θ)²]
    F = 18π[sec² θ + cos² θ – (sec² θ + cos² θ – 2)]
    F = 18π(2)
    F = 36π

    My answer: 36π

    1. Jake, I liked your reasoning, but the result is 4 times bigger than the correct one. What is wrong?

    2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

    3. I looked over my calculations again, and I think I know where I messed up: I calculated the areas as though the diameters were radii. That's why my answer is 4 times the correct one.

    4. It seems that the area of the blue figure will always be twice the area of the outlined semicircle, as long as everything is kept to the same scale as in this diagram.


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