
domingo, 7 de janeiro de 2018

Xadrez - Mate em 7! (André Chéron)

André Chéron, Le Temps, 14/06/1933.
Código FEN: 8/2rNp3/3rP1p1/p4pPp/k7/1Rp1pP1B/N1P1P3/6K1 w - - 0 1.

As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 7 lances!

(White to play and give checkmate in 7 moves!)


3 comentários:

  1. In the diagram, the c7-rook is tied to the defense of c5 and c3, and the d6-rook to the defense of b6. These guarding lines intersect at c6; if either rook moves to that square, it will be overloaded and White quickly exploits this overloading:
    1 ... Rcc6 2 Sb6+ Rxb6 3 Sxc3 mate
    1 ... Rdc6 2 Sxc3+ Rxc3 3 Sb6 mate
    The key 1 f4! threatens 2 Bg2 and 3 Bxc6+, which would force Black to overload one of the rooks; the theme which deals with such an overload-forcing is called the Plachutta theme (basically a Novotny between two like-moving pieces). The best defense is 1 Rd1+, and after 2 Kh2, which threatens 3 Sb6 mate, Black must play 2 ... Rd6. Now White plays 3 Bg2 which again threatens the Plachutta interference at c6. Black has two defenses:
    3 ... Ra6 4 Bb7 (threat 5 Bxa6 (threat 6 Bb5/Sb6 mate) Rb7 6 Sxc3/Sc5 mate) Rd6 5 Bc6+ Plachutta
    3 ... Rc4 4 Bd5 (threat 5 Bxc4 (threat 6 Bb5/Sxc3/Sc5 mate)) Rc7 5 Bc6+ Plachutta
    There is one line of by-play:
    3 ... Rdxd7 4 exd7 [threat 5 d8(Q) (threat 6 Qd7+)] Rc5 or Rc4 5 d8(Q) any 6 Qd7+ and mate next move

    1. Well done, Jake!! And thank you for such a detailed explanation. :)

  2. My previously written answer:

    The key move is the subtle 1. f4!!, opening the great diagonal for the Bishop, who is coming to g2 soon.
    Black has to deal with the checkmate threats Nb6 and Nxc3, and eventually loses. Possible lines are:
    1. ... Rd1+ 2. Kh2 Rd6 3. Bg2 Ra6 4. Bb7 Rxe6 5. Bc6+ Rexc6 6. Nxc3+ Rxc3 7. Nb6#
    1. ... Rd1+ 2. Kh2 Rd6 3. Bg2 h4 4. Bc6+!!
    4. ... Rdxc6 5. Nxc3+ Rxc3 6. Nb6#
    4. ... Rcxc6 5. Nb6+ Rxb6 6. Nxc3#
    1. ... Rd1+ 2. Kh2 Rd6 3. Bg2 Rdc6 4. Nxc3+ Rxc3 5. Nb6#
    1. ... Rd1+ 2. Kh2 Rd6 3. Bg2 Rcc6 4. Nb6+ Rxb6 5. Nxc3#
    1. ... h4 2. Bg2 Rd1+ 3. Kh2 Rdxd7 4. exd7 h3 5. d8=Q hxg2 6. Qd7+ Rxd7 7. Nxc3#


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