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Jake Hoover, 2014. Código FEN: 8/K7/8/8/3kBB2/3B3N/3B4/8 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)
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Nice problem, Jake. I really enjoy all this symmetry. :)
ResponderExcluirI think the solution is:
1. Ng5!! Kc5
2. Ne6#
I reveal nothing at this time. I will reveal the solution in three days' time (to give people an opportunity to view the problem and give an answer).
ResponderExcluirI think this problem is WAY better than the last one I let you post here. That one (which was posted 17 March 2014), I've come to realize, was cooked. Here's another line that works for that one:
ResponderExcluir1 Bxg7 (2 Bxc3#) Ra2 2 Qc1#
However, if one were to replace the white pawn at f7 with a black pawn at d7, then the above line becomes the only solution. (Also, the white unit at c7 doesn't need to be a rook for it to work this way, as its purpose is to prevent Black from directly guarding the c3-pawn.)
It's quite difficult to compose a valid chess problem, isn't it, Paulo?
ResponderExcluirAlso, another modification that my 17 March 2014 puzzle needs is a white pawn added to h2 (or really anywhere on the h-file).
ResponderExcluirYes, Jake. It is indeed very hard to compose a valid chess problem.
ResponderExcluirI admire those composers, especially the ones who couldn't use computer help...
For those who want to check Jake's March 17 puzzle, click here.
ResponderExcluirJake, good news: I think your March 17 problem isn't cooked, because 1. Bxg7 has a reply that delays checkmate. I posted it there.
ResponderExcluirPCFilho is correct. The solution to this puzzle is:
ResponderExcluir1 Ng5!! Kc5 2 Ne6#