Nadezhda Leontyeva, Shakhmatyi v SSSR, 1973. Código FEN: 8/2bqp2Q/6p1/2P1k1P1/2B4N/4P1p1/2rpKp1p/7b w - - 0 1. |
sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2019
Xadrez - Mate em 13! (Nadezhda Leontyeva)
4 comentários:
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I just want to start by saying that this problem was simply AWESOME!
ResponderExcluirIn the diagram, Black threatens mate in one, and if the g6-pawn and h1-bishop didn't exist White could mate with Sf3. So, White must clear away the pawn and bishop, but must also check continuously in order to avoid being mated:
1 Qg7+ Ke4 2 Qxg6+ Ke5 3 Qg7+ Ke4 4 Qh7+ Ke5 5 Qh8+ Ke4 6 Qa8+ Ke5 7 Qa1+ Ke4 8 Qxh1+ Ke5 9 Qa1+ Ke4 10 Qa8+ Ke5 11 Qh8+ Ke4 12 Qh7+ Ke5 13 Sf3 (or 12 ... Qf5 13 Qxf5)
9 ... Rb2/Rc3 10 QxR+ Ke4 11 Qc2+ Qd3+ 12 Qxd3+ Ke5 13 Qd4/Qd5/Qf5/Sf3/Sg6
The queen does all the work, but the knight gets all the glory!
Note: There are short variations, but I ignored those.
Well done, Jake!!
ExcluirAnd yes, this problem is indeed awesome!! In the same solution, we have our beloved "staircase" and also the Queen jumping from corner to corner of the board, first anti-clockwise and then clockwise!!
This was one of the most beautiful problems I have ever faced.
And the fact it was composed by a woman makes it even better, as this art is historically dominated by men. Maybe she had a different process of creation in that powerful brain. :)
Completely unrelated: I noticed that no one commented on the problem that was posted 7 February 2017. The solution to that problem is 1 Qh6+! g5 2 Qh2+ g3 3 Qxg3. Also, the solution to the problem posted 6 February 2017 is 1 Qh1+! f3 2 Qh4+ f4 3 Qh7.
ResponderExcluirThe problems are these:
ExcluirFebruary 7, 2017
February 6, 2017
Both poor problems composed by myself two years ago...