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Ignazio Calvi, Le Palamède, 1836. Código FEN: 3K4/4PNq1/4b2p/1PpNpk2/4p2Q/4Pr1r/2P5/8 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
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PS: this beautiful chess problem is one of the most fantastic ones I have ever seen. :)
ResponderExcluirHere's what I've tried so far:
ResponderExcluir1 e8=Q threatens 2 Nd6#, but Black spoils that with 2 ... Rxh4.
1 e8=N threatens 2 Ne7#, but not after 2 ... Qxf7.
This is one heck of a hard puzzle.
Yes, Jake, these were also my first tries. However, as you have realized, they fail...
ResponderExcluirIf I were to choose a perfect way of finishing a chess game, this would probably be my choice... :-)
ResponderExcluirCome on, guys. Throw everything you can in the enemy King! ;)
1 Qxe4+!! Kxe4 2 Nd6+ Kxd5 3 c4+ Kxd6 4 e8=N#
ResponderExcluirWow. White, being already way behind in material, sacrifices his last three pieces, then mates by promoting a pawn to a knight. Very stylish.
ResponderExcluirWell done, Jake!
ResponderExcluir1. Qxe4+!! Kxe4
2. Nd6+!! Kxd5
3. c4+!! Kxd6
4. e8=N#
An absolutely unbelievable finish! :)
For now, this puzzle holds this blog's record for most sacrifices in a mating sequence. :)
ResponderExcluirThis record of most sacrifices in a mating sequence has been beaten by the amazing mate-in-16 by Julio Cesar Infantozzi. :)