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Khayala Isgandarova vs Radmila Zivic, Belgrado (Sérvia), 24/07/2013. Código FEN: 2b2r2/4NP1k/1q3n2/6R1/8/3Pb1QP/2P3BK/8 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
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Khayala Isgandarova é uma talentosa enxadrista turca. |
1. Qh4 Nh5
ResponderExcluir2. Qxh5 Qh6
3. Be4 Kh8
4. Qxh6#
Ramón, we can say you think like a chess master. :)
ResponderExcluirIn the game, Khayala played the same move as you, 1. Qh4+!. And it is a winner move, with mate in 5 (there is a useless Bf5 that delays checkmate in 1 move):
1. Qh4+! Nh5
2. Qxh5+ Qh6
3. Be4+! Bf5
4. Bxf5+ Kh8
5. Qxh6#
1. Rg7+!! is the move which leads to mate in 4:
1. Rg7+!! Kh8
2. Rg8+ Nxg8
3. fxg8=Q+ Rxg8
4. Qxg8#
1. Rg7+!! Kh6
2. Qg6#