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Zhivota Tanic, Cik, 1969. Código FEN: K7/RP3PRN/1pPkB3/1P3P2/2Pqp3/8/3B4/3Q4 w - - 0 1. |
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018
Xadrez - Mate em 2! (Zhivota Tanic)
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In the diagram the black king has all four diagonal flights available to him, and two of those flights have set mates prepared: 1 ... Kc7 2 b8(Q); 1 ... Ke7 2 f8(Q). Both the key and a thematic try pin the black queen, and both preserve the abovementioned set mates. The thematic try is 1 Bc3? (waiting) which provides answers for the other two diagonal flights (1 ... Kc5[a] 2 Qxd4[A]; 1 ... Ke5[b] 2 b8(Q)[B]) and answers 1 ... Q~[c] with 2 f8(Q)[C], but 1 ... e3! refutes. The key 1 Be3! (waiting) disables that strong defense and changes the play by cyclically shifting the white responses to different defenses, as the labels show: 1 ... Kc5[a] 2 f8(Q)[C]; 1 ... Ke5[b] 2 Qxd4[A]; 1 ... Q~[c] 2 b8(Q)[B]. This kind of cyclic change between two phases of play is called the Lacny theme, after the chess problem composer who popularized it.
ResponderExcluirWell done, Jake!!
Excluir1. Be3!!
The black King has 4 flights, all covered:
1. ... Ke5 2. Qxd4#
1. ... Kc7 2. b8=Q#
1. ... Ke7/Kc5 2. f8=Q#
The Queen cannot stop mate either:
1. ... Qxd1/Qd2/Qd3/Qd5 2. b8=Q#
Keywords: King star flight, Queen sacrifice, Lacny.