Maria Sarquis vs Valentina Gunina, Heraklio, 2004. Código FEN: 1k2r3/7p/1p6/2p1r1nP/p1Pp1Np1/3K2P1/PPR2P2/2R5 b - - 0 1. |
As Pretas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 4 lances!
(Black to play and give checkmate in 4 moves!)
Valentina Gunina, talentosa e bela enxadrista russa. |
1 ... Re3+!! 0-1
ResponderExcluir2 Kd2 Nf3+ 3 Kd1 Re1#
2 fxe3 Rxe3+ 3 Kd2 Nf3+ 4 Kd1 Re1#
This exercise brought to you by the Arabian Mate.
Well done, Jake!
ResponderExcluir1. ... Re3+!!
2. fxe3 Rxe3+
3. Kd2 Nf3+
4. Kd1 Re1#