Joseph Plachutta, Leipziger Illustrirte Zeitung, 1858. Código FEN: 3B2r1/7r/n3pb2/2P1k3/2K1P3/2pP4/8/3Q2R1 w - - 0 1. |
sábado, 21 de novembro de 2020
Xadrez - Mate em 4! (Joseph Plachutta)
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First White plays 1 Qf3! backing up the e4-pawn to threaten 2 d4 mate (as well as threatening 2 Bxf6 mate and 2 Qxf6 mate). Black's best defense is 1 ... Sxc5 which opens up d6 as a flight for the black king. Then White plays 2 Rg7! which threatens both 3 Bc7 mate and 3 Qg3 mate. This move interferes with two like-moving black line pieces, so we have the Plachutta theme.
ResponderExcluirIn the thematic defenses, Black captures the rook, overloading the capturing piece, and White immediately exploits this overloading:
2 ... Rgxg7 3 Bc7+ Rxc7 4 Qg3
2 ... Rhxg7 3 Qg3+ Rxg3 4 Bc7
We also have several lines of by-play:
2 ... Kd6 3 e5+ Kxe5 4 Bc7 (or 3 ... Bxe5 4 Bc7)
2 ... Sxe4 3 Qxe4+ Kd6 4 Bc7
2 ... Bxd8 3 d4+ Kd6 4 e5 (or 3 Qg3+ Kf6 4 Qg5)
2 ... Be7 3 Bc7+ Bd6 4 d4 (or 3 Qg3+ Kf6 4 Qg5 or Bxe7)
(By the way, the Wikipedia article on Joseph Plachutta displays this very problem.)
Well done, Jake. I think this is the very first problem featuring the Plachutta theme.
Excluir1. Qf3! (threat: 2. d4#)
1. ... Nxc5 2. Rg7!!
This amazing second move sacrifices the Rook to three pieces!
2. ... Bxg7 3. Qg3#/Bc7#
2. ... Rgxg7 3. Bc7+ Rxc7 4. Qg3#
2. ... Rhxg7 3. Qg3+ Rxg3 4. Bc7#
This kind of interference is called the Plachutta theme.
2. ... Kd6 3. e5+! Bxe5 4. Bc7#