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Sam Loyd, Saturday Courier, 1856. Código FEN: 8/8/5N2/8/3K1N1p/1p3knR/1Pp2prb/n1B2b1B w - - 0 1. |
terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015
Xadrez - Mate em 14! (Sam Loyd)
4 comentários:
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ResponderExcluirIf you saw what I'd posted before before I deleted it, Paulo, please disregard it, because I've figured it out:
ResponderExcluir1 ... Bf moves 2 Bxg2#
1 Kc5! Bg1 2 Kb6! Bh2 3 Ka7! Bg1 4 Ka8!! Bh2 5 Kb8 Bg1 6 Kc7 Bh2 7 Kd8 Bg1 8 Ke7 Bh2 9 Kf8 Bg1 10 Kg7 Bh2 11 Kh6 Bg1 12 Kg5 Bh2 13 Kxh4 Bg1 14 Rxg3#
Well done, Jake!
ResponderExcluirBlack's position is locked. If, at any time, Black plays its f1-Bishop anywhere, then White mates with Bxg2#. Therefore, Black has to play 1. ... Bg1, and then keep playing the Bishop from g1 to h2 and back to g1 again.
White has to find a way for his King to arrive on h4 with the Black Bishop on h2, so that it abandons the protection of the Knight, and the Rook can deliver checkmate. This can only be achieved if the White King makes an odd number of moves.
In his path, the White King cannot occupy any light square, because then the light-square Black Bishop would be able to check, the f2-Pawn would promote to Queen, and Black would win.
However, it is impossible for the White King to arrive on h4 in an odd number of moves, only using dark squares. He has to find a light-square where he can play "a waiting move".
Black's light-square Bishop cannot reach h5, so this would be a perfect square for this waiting move, but the g3-Knight is guarding it.
But there is a8!!
1. Kc5!! Bg1
2. Kb6!! Bh2
3. Ka7!! Bg1
4. Ka8!!
The White King finally arrives at the only safe light square!
Now he follows his way to glory...
4. ... Bh2
5. Kb8 Bg1
6. Kc7 Bh2
7. Kd8 Bg1
8. Ke7 Bh2
9. Kf8 Bg1
10. Kg7 Bh2
11. Kh6 Bg1
12. Kg5 Bh2
13. Kxh4 Bg1
14. Rxg3#
Very nice, isn't it?