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George Hume, Good Companions, abril de 1922. Código FEN: 1RBQN3/pNRPP3/rkq5/p7/P7/P7/K7/8 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 2 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 2 moves!)
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In the diagram, the only black unit that can move is the queen, but alas the poor bitch allows mate from at least one white unit no matter how she moves: 1 ... Qb5/Qf6/Qg6/Qh6/Qc1 2 R~(c1-c5)/Nb~; 1 ... Qc3 2 R~(c3-c5)/Nb~; 1 ... Qxa4/Qc5 2 R(x)c5/Nb~; 1 ... Qc4+/Qd5+/Qe6+ 2 R(x)c4; 1 ... Qc2+/Qg2+ 2 R(x)c2; 1 ... Qd6/Qxd7 2 Nb~; 1 ... Qxc7 2 Qxc7; and 1 ... Qxb7 2 Rbxb7. So White looks for a suitable waiting move. Moving any of the white units on the upper half of the board results in sadness for White: 1 Ra8? Qxb7!; 1 Ne~? 2 Qxc7!; 1 Nb~+? 2 Kxa5/K(x)c5!; 1 Rxc6+? Kxc6!. So the key is a king move. However, any king move onto the b-file allows an unanswerable queen check on that file. Therefore, it must be 1 Ka1!. The black queen is still White's bitch, but not exactly in the same way. The five queen moves that were checks in the set play are not checks now, increasing the number of possible mating responses in each case: 1 ... Qe6 2 R~(c1-c5)/Nb~; 1 ... Qc2 2 R~(c2-c5)/Nb~; 1 ... Qc4 2 R~(c4, c5)/Nb~; and 1 ... Qd5/Qg2 2 R~(c1-c5). Conversely, four queen moves that weren't checks in the set play now are, forcing a particular mate in each case: 1 ... Qc1+/Qh1+ 2 R(x)c1; and 1 ... Qc3+/Qf6+ 2 R(x)c3. The rest of the play is unchanged: 1 ... Qb5/Qg6/Qh6 2 R~(c1-c5)/Nb~; 1 ,,, Qxa4/Qc5 2 R(x)c5/Nb~; 1 ... Qe4/Qf3 2 R~(c1-c5); 1 ... Qd6/Qxd7 2 Nb~; 1 ... Qxc7 2 Qxc7; and 1 ... Qxb7 2 Rbxb7. A wonderful mutate with a very nice reciprocal theme. Plus, it still blows my mind that the black queen was completely blocked despite having twenty possible moves.
ResponderExcluirPerfect, Jake!!
ExcluirThanks for the details in the explanation. :)