José Raúl Capablanca vs T. A. Carter, 1909, St. Louis. Código FEN: 6rk/p1q2p2/2p1rb1P/1p2pN2/4P1Q1/2PP4/PPB5/2K4R w - - 3 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)
(jogo completo neste link / full game in this link)
ResponderExcluirQg7+ Rxg7 hxg7+ Kg8 Rh8#
ResponderExcluirQg7+, Bxg7, hxg7#
Qg7+, Rxg7, hxg7+, Kg8, Rh8#
Well done, guys! :)
ResponderExcluir1. Qg7+!! Rxg7
ResponderExcluir2. hxg7+ Kg8
3. Rh8#