Barry Jack da Costa Andrade, West Virginia Chess Bulletin, 1946. Código FEN: 1Q6/6R1/7p/1BK2nPk/7p/3N4/2PNpp2/5q2 w - - 0 1. |
As Brancas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 3 lances!
(White to play and give checkmate in 3 moves!)
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As promised, I will give a hint for the solution.
ResponderExcluirIn the initial position, all White pieces play an active role in the attack to the Black King, except one...
And this piece needs to take part in the attack, because of its special power to control the light squares around the Black King.
I think that's enough. :)
A three-mover. Nice.
ResponderExcluirSome hard work for you. :-)
ResponderExcluirEste comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluirWell, the only White piece that I can see not participating in the attack is the bishop, so here goes...
ResponderExcluir1 Bd7! (2 Nf4+ Kg4 3 gxh6#) 1-0
1 ... Nd4??/Nd6??/Ne3??/Ne7??/Ng3?? 2 Nf4#
1 ... gxh5 2 Bxf5!! any 3 Qh8#
1 ... h3 2 Be8+ any 3 Qf4#
1 ... Nxg7 2 Nf4+ Kxg5 3 Ne4#
1 ... Qa1 2 Be8+ Kg4 3 Nxf2#
1 ... Kg4 2 Bxf5+!!
(2 ... Kxf5 3 Qc8#)
(2 ... Kh5 3 Nf4#)
And the situational pin strikes again.
Another masterful composition from the master.
ResponderExcluirWell done, Jake!!
ResponderExcluir1. Bd7!! is the key move. It threatens:
2. Nf4+!! Kg4
3. gxh6#
If 1. ... Nxg7, then:
2. Nf4+!! Kxg5
3. Ne4#
If 1. ... Qa1, then:
2. Be8+!! Kg4
3. Nxf2#
If 1. ... h3, then:
2. Be8+!! Kg4/Kh4
3. Qf4#
If 1. ... Kg4, then:
2. Bxf5+!! Kxf5
3. Qc8#
2. Bxf5+!! Kh5
3. Nf4#/Qe8#
If 1. ... hxg5, then:
2. Bxf5!!, threatening 3. Qh8# and 3. Rh7#
For example:
If 2. ... e1=Q, then: 3. Rh7#/Qh8#
If 2. ... g4, then: 3. Qh8#